Return to Coming Back Chapter 13c

Coming Back

Author: GayNow
Rating: R
Disclaimer: BtVS characters, concepts and dialog belong to Mutant Enemy, Fox, The WB, UPN and others. The story, however, came out of my delusional little brain.

A beautiful day. The most beautiful day. Look around, take it in...take it all in. Revel in it. Breezes move through the trees, tickling the leaves. The sounds of rustling...soothing...soft. Laughter...small giggles. Mixing with the breeze...mingling with the leaves. Moves around, moves through. It's visceral. But where? Is it real? Can it be trusted? Run from it or stay? A melody in the air. Soft. Light. Peaceful. The warmth surrounds. Take it in. Take it all in. Bask in it. Floating on a cloud...soft...billowy. Willowy...Will? Where? Is she real? Can she be trusted? Run from her or stay? So much hurt. Is it past? Is it now? Is it? Take it in. Take it all in. Ponder it. Touches. Light. Gentle. Like a feather...soft. It tickles without tickling. Goosebumps. Senses stirred. When comes the pain? Will it happen? Run from it or stay? Stimulating. Sensual. Take it in...take it all in. Feel it. Laughter again. Louder. Clearer. Melodic. It sings. It hums. Sun shining, covering the world in warmth and light. Turn to it. Let its rays gently stroke the skin. Become surrounded. More laughter? So close, near me, within me. Look around. Take it in...take it all in. Revel in it. Fingers covered in red...right red. Yes. This is the right red. You're here. Move closer. Seek the warmth. Skin. So smooth. Eyes. So deep. Lips. Soft, so soft. Are they real? Can they be trusted? Run from them or linger? Breathe in. Fresh. Seductive. Unique....Willow. Take it in...take it all in. Submerge in it. I'd rather flirt with you than anyone else in the world. Move closer. Be comforted. Give comfort. Make promises without words. Are they real? Can they be trusted? Run from them or commit? Binding. Constant. Forever. Yes. Yes. Forever. Don't be sorry for something we both want. Yes. Want. Longing. Desire. All of it. Take it in...take it all in. Caress it. Hold close. Don't let go. Promise you won't hurt her. Can't promise that. Not possible. But. Will...always love. Will...always cherish. Will...never leave. Not again. I will not screw this up. Pull near...nearer...nearer. Don't let go. Don't ever let go. Why did I let go? Why did I ever let go? I'm a bitch. Once. No more. Not again. Never again. forgiveness. Take it in...take it all in. Worship it. Worship her. Worship us. Smiling. So good to smile. And mean it. She's worth a bazillion of those dopey smiles. Yes. And more. And more. And more. I will not screw this up. Be committed. Be dedicated. Be determined. I will not screw this up. Talk. Communicate. Share. Always. And always. And always. Warmth snuggles. Softness cuddles. Take it in...take it all in. Crave it. The necessary thing. Willow. Willow is necessary. Willow needs. Willow is needed. I need Willow. And more. And always. I will not screw this up. Pressure. Wanted pressure. Curves fit together. Curves press together. Pressing closer. Leaning back. Leaning in. Pulling closer. Seeking...seeking...seeking. Always seeking. And seeing. And wanting. And needing. And being. In love. Yes. Yes. In love. Always in love. And always. And ever. I am, you know. And always. And ever. I will not screw this up. Laughter turning to giggles turning to murmurs turning to whispers turning to looks turning to gazing turning to falling. Falling. Falling. Into endless green depths. Falling. Falling. Into a nurturing soul. Falling. Falling. love. Don't be sorry for something we both want. Yes. I want. I want. Forever and always. And always. And ever. Talk. Communicate. Share. Love. Always. And always. Mmmm, Willow.

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