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Waiting for Dani

Author: JustSkipIt
Rating: PG
Feedback: Please leave feedback on the Waiting for Dani thread on the Kitten Board.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own Willow and Tara and the Buffyverse. I'm not saying this universe is totally original but I didn't steal it from any author or creator that I know of. No copyright infringement is meant by this fic and I will not make any money from it.
Distribution: Kitten Board, Through the Looking Glass, Mystic Muse. Everyone else, send me a note.

The family wedding was the most visible and elegant event we children had ever attended and the farthest we would be traveling. The journey was a day and a half on horseback. Along the way we would join up with various aunts, uncles, cousins, and all the requisite servants and workers accompanying them so that by the time we reached the celebration, we would be over one hundred and fifty strong. From my father's estate alone, we brought thirty-one souls.

The day of departure dawned clear and warm but not too warm. When I awoke, Dani was already gone from my rooms--our rooms I thought of them. I dressed myself in traveling clothes which she had laid out for me and went to the dining room where I found my siblings, similarly attired, enjoying a quick meal. Just as we finished, D'elam came to tell us that it was time to go. Zhorro was staying at the house with the remaining house staff who had promised to spoil her with meats so much that she would not recognize Dani when we returned. We each bent down to pat her head and allow her to lick our faces.

Melanie's voice rang through the dining chamber. "Where are the children?" We all looked around and then took Faith's cue, dashing from the room and through the kitchen out into the courtyard. We emerged to spot a bustling yard of activity. Servants were putting the last items into wagons and tying on saddle bags. I spotted Dani tying a bag onto Hope and was about to call to her but my voice seemed to catch in my throat. She wore an outfit I had never seen before: brown leather pants, new riding boots, and a soft-looking white shirt. Her hair was pulled back from her face with a thin strap of blue-dyed leather, the contrast between it and her red hair making quite a statement. She was, in a word, breathtaking. I thought my heart, twelve summers young that it was, would stop in that instant. I stood there for what felt like the longest time but I'm sure it was only a second or two before Faith punched me in the arm and ran off toward her waiting horse.

Startled from my reverie I made my way over to Dani who had glanced up and smiled. "Your horse, Miss?"

I stood there for minute not knowing what to say and feeling my cheeks burning. "I missed you this morning," I finally choked out.

Dani's cheeks turned red too. "I-I was tending the ..." She waved her hand around the courtyard. She extended her hand to help me onto my horse. As I took it and moved my foot toward the stirrup, I heard her whisper. "I missed you as well, Miss."

Once the assemblage was seated, my father moved to the head of the column and moved out, everyone else following. Because the journey was to be so long, a somewhat informal processional would be used. While mark-bound servants would of course be required to observe proper riding etiquette, the boundaries of position and movement within the column would be more relaxed than usual. We children, including Dani, were allowed a very informal version of riding etiquette. This gave us great latitude to move up and back through the ride and visit with each other and assorted adults in the group.

The taking of Donnie's marks was scheduled four months hence with the celebration a moon later and we all teased him rather mercilessly about his requirements the next time we made an expedition like this one. He spent a great deal of the journey riding at father's side and I spent quite a bit of time at Melanie's side and later T'solde's. Our parents and the other adults in our party let us know that a journey was no excuse for a break from our studies. And it seemed to me that they had taken it upon themselves to teach us more intensely than our normal tutors did. By noon I felt that my head was full and couldn't hold any more.

Dani seemed to glow under the load. She stayed near me most of the time but also went over to hear what Faith and Anne were learning and occasionally seemed to sneak off to confer with Donnie. Of course, she was always there the moment I wanted her. Shortly after our lunch break I rode next to Melanie. It was one of the few minutes when she was not drilling me on my magical studies and I was relaxing. My eyes wandered to Dani. "I didn't know Dani would have new clothes for our journey."

Melanie looked at me for a long moment. "Every member of this household reflects upon our estate, your father's Lordship, and your eventual Ladyship. Not the least of that reflection is your own servant. The way this estate treats, educates, and outfits our members and the way those members act can bring us shame or pride." She must have seen the stricken look on my face because she added, "I see nothing about Dani that should ever but bring our estate and you personally the greatest pride. She is to be dressed and treated so to make her the envy of every servant and free man or woman she encounters and to make you the envy of every noble woman."

I nodded my head. I had never really thought about Dani's position relative to those not in our family. When I thought about her role, it was generally limited to understanding that she was devoted to me as I was to her and that she would never leave me. It was only now that I was starting to understand how highly respected she would be, must be, outside our family. Paradoxically while she was mine to command, committed solely to me (or would be once we had taken our marks a few years hence), a part of her - her reputation and image - belonged to the entire estate. "Yes, Miss Melanie," I answered after a few moments. "Thank you." I dropped back toward the middle of the column and Dani joined me within minutes.

"Are you having a good journey, Miss?"

I smiled at her and batted my eyelashes quite flirtatiously. "It could only be better if you were in my arms." She didn't answer verbally but instantly moved her horse close enough to mine to slide across and sit in front of me. She looped Hope's reins loosely around the pommel and leaned forward to whisper to Dream. Then she sat back into my arms, letting her body relax against mine. I didn't know how long she had been awake that morning packing but I could feel the exhaustion in her body. I leaned forward and nuzzled her warm neck .She smelled of sweat and work and new leather and sweetness and I gently pressed a kiss against the silky fuzz of her skin. "You are welcome to sleep for a while, my girl."

She seemed to consider protesting for a minute but reconsidered. "You'll wake me if you need anything, Miss?"

"I promise." She made me reiterate my promise and then promptly became limp in my arms. We rode like that for a few hours until the caravan stopped for dinner. Her small body rested against mine, taking all reasonably coherent thought from my mind. I could hear her faint breath, feel and see her pulse beat in her neck and it was all I could do to keep from planting kiss after kiss on that softly pulsing vein. Only my wish to not wake her when she obviously needed the rest kept me from it. Even so, I leaned forward over and over, nuzzling into her skin, kissing her neck or the spot behind her ear, whispering my devotion to her. My lessons were apparently over for the afternoon because neither Melanie nor T'Solde approached me. Or perhaps they realized how badly Dani needed the rest.

The moment I halted Dream, Dani was awake and active. She dismounted and as she reached the ground bowed slightly. "Thank you, Miss, for allowing me that rest." I put my hand in hers and swung from the saddle a little stiffly.

I placed my reins into her hand and brushed my fingertips along her hand. "I enjoyed it just as much as you," I assured her.

She blushed slightly and then led our horses over to the stablemen. She returned after a few minutes to our spot. One of the servants had spread a blanket on the ground and Faith, Annie, Donnie, and I had already taken our seats. I passed Dani her plate, already piled high with meats, cheese, and fruit and a decanter of wine and she thanked me as well as the others. "I wonder what it will be like," Faith mused.

Anne was, as usual, in a fantasy world. "Beautiful dresses and flowers. Everyone dancing to each song from the band." Realizing that we were all laughing at her she poked Faith and I. "Maybe we'll meet our future husbands there."

Faith made a snorting noise through her nose. "Oh yeah. That would be just great." She looked at us all with the usual mischief on her face. "Maybe Donnie here wants to meet his wife. After all he can't really have any fun until he contributes legitimate a magic user to the family."

We all laughed somewhat uncomfortably. Being raised on an estate, we knew all about "where babies come from." We'd seen horses, cows, dogs, and every other conceivable animal mating for as long as we'd walked into the dooryard. But that didn't mean that we were comfortable thinking about Donnie doing that. Although he was over 14 summers old, I still thought of him as my big little brother. The fact that he would soon be taking his marks, fourth level marks, meant that his opportunities would be nearly unlimited and he would have to exercise no small amount of self-restraint. If he were to later marry into a magic family, a near certainty with our pedigree, and produce a non-active magic using daughter, it would bring disgrace to the Maclay family name. We children had heard tales of families shamed by a son's behavior, setting out to find the child who had "stolen" their magic as they saw it. Reports of what those families did if they found the child were ... gruesome.

Always one to return any conversation to dancing, Anne continued her fantasies. "I have four ball gowns, one for each night and hope to dance with every noble man at this event."

"That's my fantasy too," Faith said drolly.

We were laughing but became serious when father approached the blanket. Dani jumped up and bowed while the rest of us just said "Hello, Father."

He took a seat and invited Dani to sit back down, in fact playfully tackling her into his lap. "We have decided that we covered enough ground today and are going to break here for the night." He turned to Donnie. "How does that sound to you, son?"

I respected this approach. While father and his brothers had already made the decision, they wanted to give the impression that Donnie was being consulted. I had noticed father doing this more and more with Donnie and even with me in the last year or so. It seemed that those lessons we had taken throughout the day were not completed yet. Donnie stood and with a very adult air asked father to step off with him so that they could discuss it. I knew that he wouldn't have any objections but I'm sure that he wanted to understand the reasons for the decision.

Dani hastily stood up and took our plates. "I should go prepare your tent, Miss Tara."

I sat and watched her movement across the grass. I had never really seen her interact with the other servants and I saw how they all greeted her. They were friendly and respectful in their interactions with her and I noted how she knew every person, enjoying the opportunity to visit with him or her as she passed or performed her duties. When I took my marks and then she did, she would become the ranking servant, excepting D'rs and D'rek, father's man, of the estate. She would be required to know everything there was to know about running our household and it seemed that she was well on the way.

One thing for which I was grateful: we would be sharing a small tent tonight. Unless she was going to be so foolish as to insist on sleeping outside, we would be in close quarters and I was sure to get to hold her all night long. Faith was telling us a long story, which turned out to be an elaborate pun, about the day she tracked a large cat for hours when Dani returned. She waited off the blanket and then excused herself. "Miss Tara, I have your tent and bath ready if you would like to come."

"Thank you, Dani." We all stood up and stepped from the blanket which Dani bent and began to fold before I could even think of it.

"Hey, Red. I'm going sleep under the stars. Care to join me?"

Dani looked from Faith to me and then shook her head. "Thank you, Miss Faith. I will stay with Miss Tara."

Faith shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Anne looked at her sister. "Mother brought a very nice tent and she wants to sleep on the ground like an animal. I have no understanding of this creature." We all laughed and teased Faith about being a creature.

We reached our tent and Dani dropped to her knees and began to unlace my riding boots before pulling back the flap. I stepped inside and then dropped down, waiting for her to remove her boots.

"W-w-would you rather sleep outside?" I asked nervously.

Dani shook her head. "My place is with you, Miss Tara." She grasped the hem of my shift. "Now let's get you washed and ready for bed."

As she began to undress me I leaned forward, whispering in her ear. "I can make it worth your while to sleep in the tent."

Dani dropped to her knees again as she peeled my riding britches down my legs. She looked up at me with a smile. "How is that, Miss Tara?"

I ran my fingertip along her forehead, brushing her bangs away from her eyes. "I've been working on my tickling techniques."

Dani reached for the sponge and warm water and began to softly wash me. "Oh, is that so, Miss Tara?" The water was the perfect temperature and I relaxed as she slowly wet my skin before soaping up the sponge. Dani worked methodically but softly to wash and rinse me, drying each section of my body as she completed it. When she had finished my upper body, she pulled my nightgown over my head and arms but tied it up so that she could wash my legs and feet. When she finished she brushed my hair out thoroughly and placed the softest kiss on my shoulder. "All done, Miss Tara." She patted the blankets.

I smiled at her and took the sponge from her hand. "Let me." She blushed and looked away. I don't know if everyone felt this way but I always felt that any little act I could do to return her kindness was one I wanted to take. I washed her, using the same slow and soft technique she had employed and in a few minutes we were done. She went to dump out the dirty water and returned to find me in the sleeping blankets she had laid out earlier. I patted the spot next to me and she blushed again, a habit I was starting to find adorably irresistible. Then she lay down on her stomach and I began to run my fingertips very lightly over her back and neck as she giggled and squirmed. When she could take no more, we traded and she used the same technique on me. Eventually we giggled so much that someone walking by the tent cleared their throat loudly at us and we pushed our mouths into our pillows as we laughed even harder. Then we moved onto our sides and snuggled together all night.

She was gone from the tent when I woke up. I had just changed into my riding britches and was reaching my hand outside the tent for my boots when she placed them into my searching hand. "Thank you, Dani."

She bowed with a smile. "You're welcome, Miss Tara." I noticed that she had polished both our boots and brushed our britches so that we looked quite fine to begin the second and final day of our journey. She handed me a small plate with bread and fruit and a cup and told me that we were moving out very soon and that she had just been coming back to wake me.

"Thank you. Have you eaten?"

She assured me that she had and pointed out a blanket on the ground on which I could eat while she packed up the tent. By the time I had finished the meal, she had our horses loaded and ready to go. She helped me up into the saddle and then took her place beside me. I wanted to tell her how much I appreciated her help. How invaluable she was to me. But all I could think to say was, "Thank you for spending the night with me.

She tilted her head and me and was about to speak but Faith rode up at that moment. "Uncle is taking a hunting party. Do you want to go?"

Dani and I decided to go and ended up joining a rather large group which included Donnie, Faith, we two, and seven others. Father did not come but he sent Derek with the group. We had quite an enjoyable morning with each person bringing back at least two quail or pheasant. Dani had done particularly well, bringing home five birds. Her skill at hunting was very interesting to watch. On one hand, she wasn't as strong as we other children. But she had an uncanny ability to aim. It was as if she had a hidden abacus performing calculations on distance, trajectory, wind resistance, and twenty other factors in pulling back and releasing the bow string.

We rejoined the party just before high sun and the group stopped. Immediately the servants set to preparing the birds for our mid-day meal and the rest of us began to change our clothes. While our riding clothes were appropriate for our journey, we would be arriving in less than an hour and it was our responsibility to make the strongest possible impression. Dani helped me into my presentation outfit, washed my face and hands, set my hair, got herself ready, and eventually helped to get Anne ready since D'elam had Melanie, Anne, and Faith all to manage. We ate carefully with cloths across our clothes to keep them from becoming soiled.

I found myself hardly able to eat for looking at Donnie's presentation. He wore the full colors of our house including a sword by his side and looked absolutely dashing and grown-up. I still thought of him as a child, like myself, but he was soon to be an adult with many responsibilities and rights. Of course, his education would not end at that time. I predicted it would simply intensify.

When we reformed, our assemblage looked very different from the one we had been just hours earlier. Organizing our presentation took a while as the three estates worked to form the correct hierarchy. I don't know that I could reproduce it even now. Suffice it to say that at the heads of the three columns were my father, my aunt T'solde and her husband-Lord Martin-and my cousin who was Lord of the third estate. Each of their mark-bonded servants rode a ½ length back from them. Melanie and therefore D'elam were directly behind my father and Donnie and myself were directly behind her with Faith and Anne behind us. Because neither Dani nor Donnie's future servant were bonded yet, it was determined that they would ride with Faith and Anne. While some saw this as a strange presentation, Dani's presence was seen as a mark of prestige for the family; having a servant who had been with her mistress since birth was something that only the very best and very richest of families could boast. Given Dani's position in the column, there was no way to exclude Donnie's man from the same hierarchal level.

So great was our family's pride in Dani that her gown very nearly matched mine. Where mine was covered with jewels, hers matched it in embroidery. In every other way it mirrored mine and I found myself staring at her until she moved behind me. From then on, my mind was filled, quite happily, with images of her thus attired. The thought briefly passed through my mind that I wondered if all ladies felt thus about their future bonded servants.

We arrived at our destination shortly after high-noon. The greeting from our hosts was appropriate in every respect. Once the Lord and Lady of the manor had greeted the heads of our columns, their servants helped us from our horses and led the horses away to be cared for. Of course, some of our servants went with to assist while others went toward the kitchen with our feast gifts and to help in preparing the meals. Dani was helped from her horse shortly after myself and we found ourselves standing very close together as formal greetings and introductions were made. I softly touched the back of her hand and whispered out of the side of my mouth. "You look absolutely beautiful, my girl."

"No where near as beautiful as you, Miss Tara," I heard her quiet reply. I glanced over and noted the pink of her cheeks, not sure whether it was the ride or something else causing it but sure of how it accented her eye color.

Finally it was my turn to be introduced and I felt Melanie's watchful eye on me but I managed each meeting appropriately and even avoided stuttering. Donnie did similarly well and each of us presented our future bound servants before the procession moved on to T'solde's children. Once the lengthy introductions were completed, we were led to our rooms.

Dani set to work immediately hanging my gowns and making us at home. My room was tasteful and ornate, befitting my position but reasonably far from the main halls to afford some privacy. Faith and Anne were a few doors down the hall with Donnie on the opposite side. I watched Dani as she unpacked our traveling wardrobe and considered asking if she wanted help but she would have taken it as an insult had I done so. Instead I had to content myself with writing in my journal and sneaking peeks at her as she bustled around the room. I began teasing her by playfully putting out my hand to grab at her as she passed close by and she joined in by making a game of it-seeing how closely she could come without being touched by my wandering fingers. She verily danced about the room, swerving this way and that to avoid my touch all the while making me crazy for the feel of her. A few times I actually got my grasp around her hip and pulled her into my lap where I tickled and kissed her as she laughed. I don't know if she let me catch her those times but she teased me terribly. "I will have to watch myself, Miss Tara, if this is how you wish to molest me."

I giggled at her words. "Oh Dani, I would never wish to impose my will or touch on you when you don't desire it."

She kissed the tip of my nose then she jumped up to continue her chores. That afternoon, seemed to be one of those times that I found myself unable to take my eyes from my girl. She glowed with every bit of excitement of the journey and her work. She looked amazing back in all her traveling clothes and every word she spoke seemed to be lifted by a thousand butterflies directly to my ears. A few times, I found myself in a bit of a daze as she repeated my name over and over again. Snapping out of it, I managed a weak joke each time.

The wedding itself was ... elaborate and amazing. I had never seen so many members of the nobility together before. Each seemed to be waited on by servants who anticipated their every request before it was possible to voice it. The food served at every banquet was incomparable with the finest meats, rich sauces, fresh vegetables, and deserts of chocolate and cream. If I hadn't stopped her, I fear Dani would have never slept for trying and loving a hot drink named kaffee. I believe that Anne's wish to take a turn with every nobleman at the wedding was fulfilled thrice over and all of us made my father's Lordship proud with our dancing. We laughed playfully at Dani when Melanie came over to kindly request she refrain from singing.

My magic demonstration was, according to T'solde, exceedingly passable which I had learned to accept as high praise indeed.

During the days we were left much to our own devices and with countless cousins, we hunted and rode throughout the valley. Dani partook in every activity I choose from dancing to riding and I started to notice a pattern I had never noted before. Each time Dani was parted from me, to talk to Faith or Donnie, or retrieve a bird or for whatever reason, someone would ride up next to me or sidle up to me and begin a casual conversation. Very quickly he or she would turn the conversation toward Dani telling me that she was a very beautiful girl, that she had good bearing or presence, seemed attentive or any of a series of compliments on my girl. I was made to feel as if I had made a fine choice in selecting and training such a companion, and more so, that many others would like such a servant. I don't think that Dani had any idea that such conversations were going on or she would have been embarrassed to have been the topic of such discussion.

At night, we attended grand banquets and balls. This gathering was the first event we had been to with such a vast mix of families and individuals. As the evenings progressed, the adults seemed emboldened by wine and ale. We children faded into the chairs and windowsills surrounding the large room to watch their curious rituals. It seemed as if this event was an opportunity and pairs of dancers made their way from the room throughout the evening. At first it seemed only the most beautiful, most eligible, most charming of the noblemen had partners but eventually we children were left in an empty or nearly empty room attempting to comprehend everything we had seen with our adolescent minds and immature sensibilities.

"She never says no. She can't." We were breaking for dinner of our journey and Anne held court with the five of us, explaining some of what she had learned at the wedding.

"What do you mean she can't? Like she'll get in trouble?" I asked.

Donnie harrumphed. "She'll get in trouble? Did you see the size of the men compared to the women? I doubt he'd take no for an answer."

Faith reached across the blanket to hit Donnie on the arm. Hard. "You idiot. 'Doubt he'll take no for answer'? What you're talking about doesn't happen. It can't."

"Because he'd be punished?" Donnie suggested.

Anne looked disgusted with all of us for a moment. "Why am I the only one who ever pays attention about these things?" Dani didn't look up to argue the point of whether Anne was the only child who paid attention. Anne blew out a breath. "He can't force a woman because of the mark-binding."

I finally joined the conversation. "What do you mean, Anne? We saw plenty of couples leaving the banquets and balls."

Anne shook her head. "You are all such children." She looked completely disgusted with our innocence which I found ironic given that she was a year and a half younger than I and 3 years younger than Donnie. "The mark-bond carries magic in it. We all know that." She looked at all of us expectantly and we finally obediently nodded our heads. Of course we knew that.

"Well one piece of magic in the mark-bond is the power of mark-rights. Any man with higher or equal marks to a bound woman can share mark-rights with that woman."

"No way," I disagreed.

Anne nodded her head. "Why do you think that a woman's marks are where they are? On her right hip. Have you ever taken a look at them? They are placed as if the man is holding her with his marks. Look at the finger marks on D'elam's hip sometime."

Dani showed her naivety. "But that means that Lord Maclay could have... I don't believe that."

Donnie came to father's defense. "It doesn't mean that he has. It only means that he can."

We were all silent for a moment. "So she can't say no?" I wanted to know.

Anne looked around the circle again. "She wouldn't want to. I mean... The magic of the rites means that if he wants to she will."

Faith seemed completely disgusted and Dani hadn't said a word since the discussion had begun. "So she'll just go along...?"

"I'm sure it would be ok for her," Donnie attempted to assure his sister.

Anne looked like she was about to scream-quietly and in a very ladylike manner of course. "Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to you all. She will like it. She will love it. She will get as much pleasure from it as he will. That's the magic of the mark!"

It all still seemed very unbelievable to me. "So you're saying that once Donnie gets his marks he and D'elam could..." Donnie paled and I decided to tease further. "And that it would be pleasurable for both of them? And she'd have no choice even though she changed his dirty diapers as a baby." I reached over and poked him in the stomach.

"If you'll all excuse me," Dani said quietly as she stood up, gathered our dishes, and walked away.

"Thanks for bringing that up, Anne." I knew I had a sneer in my voice but I didn't really care. I got up and followed Dani to see if she was ok. The truth is that I didn't really think of Dani as a servant, as someone who would follow mark-bound magic. She was just... my Dani. And even though I wanted to blame Anne for talking about it, I knew I should have been more considerate of my precious girl.

Throughout the rest of the journey Dani seemed to be in a sour mood. Oh, she carried out her responsibilities and was respectful and helpful but she wasn't as playful as she had been before. She seemed too much in her head too much of the time. I attempted to get her to talk to me but she insisted she was fine, even going so far as saying that she was "Finey McFine" which made me laugh if not her. Even our arrival home to be greeted by Zhorro who jumped up and muddied Dani's pants, not that she cared in the least, didn't seem to lift my girl's spirits.

I tried everything I knew to lift her mood, bringing her gifts of flowers and treats for herself and Zhorro. I coaxed her to sleep in my bed and held her tightly while whispering sweet nothings to her. Finally, I went to Melanie to ask if she had any ideas. I explained about the conversation we had all had on our return and saw a flash of something cross my aunt's face. Then she assured me that D'elam would speak to Dani. A few days later it did seem that Dani was in a brighter mood and we rode and sang and joked as usual. By the end of the moon, I had quite forgotten her sadness and the castle began to prepare for Donnie's mark celebration.

Continue to Waiting for Dani Chapter Five

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