Return to Hellebore Chapter Forty-Five


Author: Chris Cook
Rating: NC-17
Copyright: Based on characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, created by Joss Whedon and his talented minionators, and Diablo II by Blizzard Entertainment. All original material is copyright 2003 Chris Cook.
Note: This is a map of the city of Duncraig, at the junction of the Marien and Kingsway Rivers. The city proper extends for many miles in every direction, with a total population in the region of one and a half million people. This map shows the centre of the city, now commonly called the 'Royal Isle', bordered by both rivers and an off-shoot of the Marien; this was the site of the original founding of the city, and continues to be its heart, and the site of its most important landmarks. These include the Ducal Palace, the Parliament, the College of Mages, and the Market Hall.
See also the Map of the Kingsway River.

1: Ducal Palace
2: Parliament house
3: Centenary Bridge
4: Market Hall
5: Dock of the Lion Star
6: College of Magic
7: Opera House
8: Barracks
9: Regulator tower
10: Palace Gardens
11: Sisterhood Sanctuary
12: Palace cargo dock
13: Zakarum Cathedral
14: Ferry office
15: Kingsway ferry
16: Court Mage's tower
17: Palace Botanical Gardens
18: Armoury
19: College tower
20: College library
21: Sisters of Grace Hospital
22: School of the Sciences
23: Sporting field
24: The 'Magic Marketplace'
25: Old guard tower (ruins)
26: Hall of Records
27: The Kitten Club
28: The Duke's Players
29: Harker's road
30: Shipping office
31: Dock of the Djinn

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