Return to Impulse Chapter Four


Author: ophelia11
Rating: PG-13 for pottymouths and innuendo. Strong chance for naughtiness later on.
Disclaimer: The story is mine. The characters are not. :(
Feedback: Pretty please? Please leave feedback on the Impulse thread on the Kitten Board.

We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in the filling of a vessel, drop by drop, there is at last one which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses, there is at last one which makes the heart overflow. - James Baswell

The buzzing filled Tara's ears even though she continued swatting aimlessly at the alarm clock. Finally realizing the alarm wasn't set, she briefly weighed the concern of a fire alarm if there was no smoke. Once reality coaxed her further from slumber, Tara identified the source of the irritating sound.

She stumbled from her bed and made her way to the messenger bag that was dropped by the front door the previous night. By the time she retrieved her cell phone, the caller at the other end was greeted by her voicemail. She turned on her heel and headed back to her bed, burrowing back under the warmth of her comforter and tossing the cell next to the clock. After a few minutes, curiosity got the better of her and one hand slipped from beneath the covers to retrieve it.

Sleep was forgotten when Willow's name appeared at the top of the missed calls list. She grinned and pressed send to call her back. One ring. Two.

"Hey! I didn't wake you did I? 'Cause I didn't think about how early it was until I already dialed and when I realized, it was too late to hang up." Willow's words tumbled from her mouth like building blocks crashing to the floor.

Tara marveled how she could barely form a single sentence yet Willow was releasing paragraphs in a single breath. She chuckled, "Good morning to you too." Her voice was thick with sleep.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "You were sleeping. I can tell. I'm a bonehead. Go back to bed and call me later, maybe?" Willow ended with a hopeful tone.

"You goof. I'm up now and you are definitely awake. So what has you so eager this morning?" Tara pushed herself up slightly and stacked the pillows to support her.

I haven't talked to you in a whole day. "Oh... Nice day. No plans. I thought maybe you might be plan-less too and then maybe we could make you know? Plans?"

"Mmm. What did you have in mind?" She found Willow's energy contagious and was becoming excited at the prospect their open day held.

"Well..." Willow tried to sound casual. Truth be told, she woke up thinking about the blonde shortly after sunrise. Since that time she shuffled through ideas for how to entice Tara in to spending the day with her. "We could go to a movie..." She let the offer hang open for a few seconds, giving Tara the chance to speak up if something was appealing.

Tara scrunched her nose, but didn't say anything. Perhaps if Willow was a girlfriend she would be drawn to an afternoon huddled together in a darkened theater. As it was, though, Willow was not her girlfriend and sitting in the dark would only remind her of what she couldn't have.

Relieved that Tara showed no interest in the movies, Willow moved on. "There's any number of touristy type things. Museums. Science Center. The Zoo. Some sort of sporting event..." She cringed at the last one and hoped desperately that Tara wouldn't choose it.

She is too cute. "Well it really sounds like you want that last one," she teased.

"Um...yeah. Never have been much for the sports outings." Realizing that Tara's teasing did not confirm a dislike of sports, she attempted to backpedal. "Uh...not that there's anything wrong with them. Just a personal lack of skill and coordination."

"It's okay, Will. I don't really do sports either." Talking to Willow felt good. It was casual and fun, but also held promise. In a brief amount of time Willow was quickly making it to the top of her rather short list of friends. "What are my other options?"

"Um...maybe a picnic?" It was this last option that Willow decided on before calling Tara earlier, but her confidence faltered when greeted by the other woman's voice and she felt like back-up plans should be put in place.

Tara smiled at the poorly hidden eagerness in Willow's voice. A picnic sounded perfect. Before she could consider preparations, she frowned. "Oh, sweetie. It's going to rain today."

"It is?" In all of her thoughtful planning, Willow couldn't believe she forgot to check the weather reports. Damn.

Willow's disappointment mirrored her own. Her mind raced to come up with alternatives. A plan was already forming when she asked, "How do you feel about an indoor picnic?"

The redhead wasn't sure what Tara was planning, but decided to go along. "Well there aren't any bugs, so that's a good thing."

"This is very true. Next question. Do you like to come to my place?"

The more time she spent with Tara, the easier it became to understand the blonde's moods. Each time they got together, they became more comfortable with one another. Willow sensed Tara's nervousness inviting her over and there was no way she would turn down the offer.

"Really? I know...that's cool."

She was rewarded with Tara's warm laughter through the phone. "So that's a yes, then?"

"Uh huh. Since you are providing the locale, I will provide the refreshments."

Tara giggled. "Which take out restaurant will be assisting you in this endeavor?" She appreciated Willow's enthusiasm for food, but found that knowledge did not appear to extend beyond a menu.

"Hmph. You'll just have to wait and see. What time were you thinking?" Willow's excitement was rising again.

The clock on her nightstand read 9:37. "Hmm. Would you be ready around noon?"

"Sure." She congratulated herself on keeping an even tone.

Tara gave her the address and directions and they said their goodbyes. She sighed and settled back in to the pillows. Her eyes drifted closed with the thought of spending an entire afternoon with Willow. She sat up with a start. Willow is coming here. HERE. I have to clean. Slightly frantic, she slipped out of bed and ran out to examine her apartment.

Willow settled back on her couch, happy to be spending the day with Tara. She couldn't understand why she was so nervous prior to calling. The minute Tara's voice filled her ear, she felt herself settle. Now they had plans. A casual afternoon spent eating and talking and just being together. Together how? There were no easy answers and she didn't really have time to dedicate to it right now.

She smiled, thinking of how Tara called her out on the phone just a few minutes earlier. While she had a small collection of recipes she could follow without burning, it was true that her expertise was in dining out. She made her way to the kitchen and opened a drawer filled with menus of varying sizes and colors. After grabbing a handful, she returned to the couch and set to work planning the meal.

For the last two hours Tara was a whirlwind. It wasn't that her apartment was a wreck, but it was the first time that Willow would see it. Her home was different than Willow's and a part of her worried. It wasn't that Willow struck her as judgmental in the least. It boiled down to wanting to make a good impression.

Now she was preparing the living room for their indoor picnic. The couch was already pushed against the wall so she spread a colorful quilt in front. Stepping back, she looked around the room to see what else could be done. Her eyes settled on several potted plants and she grinned. One by one, she scooted them towards the blanket and placed them randomly around the edges. She debated what else to do to prepare. It's just two people getting together. It's not a date. Before she had a chance to obsess on any other details, there was a soft knock at the door.

Butterflies swirled in her belly as she headed to answer it. A quick glance through the peephole revealed a splash of red hair. She pulled open the door and grinned widely.

"Hey." Willow managed. Her mouth went dry and she flushed at her sudden bout of shyness. Unable to stand in front of Tara without staring, she stepped past her and in to the apartment. When she took in everything, she gasped.

Tara closed the door and turned to watch the redhead curiously. It was unusual for Willow not to talk a mile a minute and she couldn't help but wonder the cause. "Are you okay?"

Willow turned and smiled brightly. "It's's beautiful. Your apartment. The picnic.'s just...amazing." Their eyes locked briefly and Tara beamed at the unexpected compliments. Willow turned and walked the bags over to the blanket and set them down.

The blonde hoped Willow would be comfortable, but was completely unprepared for the outpouring of emotion. You are an enigma, Willow Rosenberg. She was snapped from her reverie when she found Willow staring at her expectantly. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked what a girl has to do around here to get a tour." She crossed her arms and made an exaggerated huff. Her foot tapped rapidly.

Laughing, she looped her arm around Willow's and tugged. "C'mon you goof."

Before Tara could reclaim her arm, Willow hugged it eagerly. Every place her eyes landed held color. It was just so...Tara. She smiled and let the blonde set the pace. Tara's apartment was smaller than her own, but in Willow's mind, infinitely more appealing. Each of the windows had decorative rods mounted above and brightly colored scarves draped over them. The tan walls served as a perfect background for Tara's eclectic art and furnishings.

Tara was having a difficult time keeping her breathing steady. Right next to her, holding her arm, was the woman who was the object of her desperate crush. Willow smelled of patchouli and Tara fought the temptation to pull her closer and breathe deeply. She was beginning to realize this went beyond a crush. Tara was smitten with the beautiful redhead.

Their first stop was the window where several small potted plants competed for sunlight. Willow examined each one, carefully noting the differences. Tara had several herbs which Willow assumed were for cooking. Beneath the sill was a small table with even more plants. There was a large pot that contained a maturing aloe plant. Smaller pots with succulents sat to either side. "What's your favorite flower?" she blurted out and immediately blushed.

"Um...I don't know." Tara admitted.??"Really?" Willow looked up at her.

"Well I love flowers in general. Roses. Lilies. You can't help but like the classics. Though if I were to buy them for a vase? I usually pick the unusual ones like poppies or something." She paused, "What about you?"

"Hmmm. I agree about the classics. When I was little I loved daisies. I used to doodle them on my book covers and notebooks. Sure, roses are pretty and they smell nice so people don't notice the daisies. Not like people show up on dates with a bunch of daisies very often, but I always liked their simplicity. They were beautiful in a different way and they don't come with thorns."

If it was possible for her heart to fill even more with Willow, it did in that moment. She wondered if Willow was talking about more than just flowers. She leaned in to Willow's touch, "Well I for one like daisies very much."

Willow grinned back at her. "Good." She frowned briefly, lost in another thought. "I never told anyone that before. When people ask me, I usually just say irises."

"I'm glad you told me." They stood watching each other with goofy smiles.

The intensity in the room was building and Willow turned away. Her eyes settled on a bookshelf in the corner that held various knick-knacks and frames. "Ooohh! I see pictures."

The blonde dug in her heals, trying to keep Willow in place, but found the redhead surprisingly strong. "Wouldn't you rather eat?" she asked hopefully.

"Not on your life." Willow dragged her over and looked at each one. Some were scenic pictures and others were of Tara with her friends. There was a brief flash of jealousy when she considered all the time she missed out in knowing this woman. But those things could not be helped and it was better to be thankful for finally meeting. This notion was settling in her brain when her eyes locked on a much older picture of a small blonde haired child. The girl sat in between her mom's legs under a tree. "Look how adorable you were!"

Without thinking, Tara tried to hide her face in Willow's shoulder. She smells amazing. I could just stay like this... "You aren't supposed to be looking at those."

"Awww. Why? You shouldn't be embarrassed. Now I was a gangly looking kid." As much as she enjoyed the closeness, she nudged Tara gently. "You're mom was really beautiful."

Tara smiled wistfully. "Yeah, she was."

Without missing a beat Willow continued. "You look like her." The words hung between them. "So...what else are you gonna show me?"

The blonde just shook her head, amused at Willow's interest in everything. She explained people and scenes from other photos and they discussed the few art pieces that hung. They stopped in the hallway where a small, rectangular quilt hung. "This was supposedly hand-dyed and then hand-sewn by a tribe of women in Africa." The colors were a rich blend of blues and greens.

"It's really lovely." Willow caught her hand in midair right before it made contact with the fabric. She pulled away quickly.

"It's okay. You can touch it." She nudged Willow forward.

Willow nodded and very gently brushed her fingertips along an edge. "It's so soft," she said with surprise.

"Mmm hmm." There weren't many things left to show in the small apartment and they now stood by a closed door. Tara couldn't find a logical reason not to show Willow her bedroom. Nothing except my rapidly beating heart. It was Willow's polite step away that ended up pushing Tara to a decision. "There's one more room."

Willow knew Tara's need for privacy mirrored her own so she was surprised after the briefest hesitation that Tara made a move to open the door. She nodded and waited for Tara to proceed.

The blonde twisted the knob and pushed the door open, revealing her most private place. She took a few steps in and turned to find Willow still loitering in the hallway. "Well c'mon you." Her eyes twinkled and she realized without any doubt that Willow was nervous about being in her bedroom. She filed that information away for later review.

From the moment Willow walked in to the room she felt...sheltered. The walls were painted a shade darker than periwinkle and framed with white molding. Opposite the entrance was a single window with an ornate curtain rod overhead. A silken eggplant scarf draped over the bar in waves. Matching curtains hung on either side of the glass. Several crystals hung in the window, projecting dancing rainbows along the walls.

Forgetting her earlier anxiety, Willow stepped in further. A long dresser made of pine was centered beneath the window and had a few trinkets. An ornate jewelry box sat at one end with a few smaller wooden boxes next to it. A block glass vase sat in the center with several stalks of curled bamboo. Blue and purple candles were scattered around the surface. The other end of the dresser had a ceramic bowl of sorts that reminded Willow of something she might have had as a child. Pink and yellow bears ran fully around the edge.

Several decorative pine shelves adorned the walls with different colored candles. She noted how the lighter furniture contrasted nicely with the deeper, richer colors. The room was elegant in its simplicity.

She was standing at the foot of Tara's bed and finally acknowledged the piece that centered the room. From what she knew of the blonde, she was not one to go overboard spoiling herself. However, it seemed the one luxury she did allow for was a double bed with a sleigh frame. It was covered with a simple patchwork quilt with different squares of purple, blue, and green.

"I know it's too big for the room, but I couldn't resist." Tara ran her hand over the smooth curve of the footboard and smiled.

"It's beautiful." Willow glanced up at her before continuing her thorough examination of the room. There was a small nightstand next to the bed with a 'Hello Kitty' lamp off to one side. She grinned. A paperback Stephen King book was flipped on the cover with a tasseled bookmark stuck between the pages.

It wasn't until she glanced up at the pillows that she saw a...creature looking back at her with glowing eyes. She didn't realize the gasp escaped until Tara's hand was on her wrist.

"Are you okay?" Tara wasn't sure what got in to the redhead. Her eyes widened when Willow turned to face her, blanched and staring in disbelief.

"What is that?" She pointed to the top of the bed.

When Tara followed Willow's finger, she relaxed considerably. "You mean Mr. Skeeters?" She looked back defiantly, suspecting that her choice of bedmate was being challenged.

"You sleep with a horse?" Willow could not disguise the horror she felt.

Tara was completely baffled by this latest development and struggled to hold in the chuckles at Willow's over-the-top reaction. "I get that some people of the adult variety no longer choose a stuffed animal as their preferred bed mate but..."

Willow interrupted, "It's not that. Spotty...that's my dog...he doesn't actually have spots, but I think that was my nine year old way of being ironic and I'm losing my point here..." She paused to recall the exact argument she was trying to make.

"So you sleep with a stuffed animal, but you're standing there picking on me for sleeping with one?" She stared at Willow incredulously.

"What? I think it's cute and that would be very hypocritical...which I'm least I don't think I am, although do people know when they are hypocrites 'cause if so it seems like they would want to not be...that." She stopped when she saw Tara's wide eyes staring back at her more than a little confused. Finally remembering her point, she glanced at the bed before turning and leaning in conspiratorially. "It's a horse."

Tara's eyes were suddenly sparkling with amusement. She leaned closer and in the same low whisper said, "Yes. It is."

Willow realized that Tara was verging on mocking. Indignant, she couldn't help her whiny response. "But Tara! It's. A. Horse." This time each word was accented so there was no way Tara could ignore the error in her judgment.

It was at that moment Tara finally caught on to Willow's real issue. "Willow?" Her voice remained light, but questioning and she raised her eyebrows for emphasis. "By chance...are you not fond of horses?"

Her face continued to be the picture of abject horror. "They are manipulative, evil creatures that cannot be trusted."

"Okay, I'm going to bypass the whole Mr. Skeeters is a 'stuffed' horse part and dive right in. How exactly did you come to this conclusion?" It was a struggle to keep a straight face, but given the seriousness of Willow's tone, she decided to play along for the moment.

"Well...I was six and I wanted a horse. I mean really, really 'clean my room, give up ice cream, never ask for anything again' kind of want. So it was my birthday and I'd been really, really good and put on the pink dress with the ribbons without complaint. Do you know how a redhead looks in pink? It is not a pretty sight."

"I bet you were adorable." Tara couldn't help grinning at the image of six-year-old Willow.

"You're sweet...but no. I looked like the illegitimate child of Barbie and Howdy Doody. Anyway, I just knew I was gonna get a horse. So the party starts and I'm waiting and waiting and there's no horse." She paused in the retelling, building the suspense.

"I'm sorry you didn't get your horse, but I'm not sure that makes them evil." Tara offered a sympathetic smile.

"I'm not finished yet." Willow stuck her tongue out causing Tara to giggle. "So this old guy shows up smelling like what I now recognize as cheap booze and the world's oldest pony. Frankly, Pony should've had a walker. In hindsight I should have called the whole thing off, but no, no. Not eager Willow. Well he wouldn't move. I sat on that animal until my butt was permanently cramped and the most he did was lunge at the picnic table and snort on my cake."

"Aww. Poor thing."

"So at this point the party is pretty much ruined and I'm ready for it to end. Once I'm off the damn monster he suddenly gets a jolt of energy and proceeds to follow me around the yard. I think the pony likes me so I lean over to get him some veggies." Willow looked back up at Tara a mixture of embarrassment and disbelief. "He. Ate. My. Dress."

"What?!?!" Of all the stories Willow could have weaved to come to the evil conclusion, she'd never expected that one. "You're pulling my leg."

"Tara. I couldn't begin to make up something like that. He ate the back of my dress and bit my butt in the process. Do you know what happens to a girl that gets bitten on her butt at her birthday party in front of all her classmates? For the next ten years she is called 'Horse Butt'."

There was the slightest hesitation when Tara had to choose between one of two reactions. The laughter remained buried just under the surface and she took several deep breaths to keep it there. Still, another part of her sought to comfort the woman who still carried trauma from an event two decades in the past. She opened her arms, "C'mere."

Willow didn't expect sympathy at the end of her tale. The few times she'd bravely recounted the experience, she was met with hysterical laughter. So when Tara offered her the one thing that not even her parents had done, she looked at the blonde curiously. "Tara?"

She didn't wait for Willow and instead reached for her arm and pulled her closer. "Sweetie, I'm sorry that nasty pony ruined your birthday."

In the history of her life, there were very few times when Willow was struck speechless, but in this moment Tara gave her something she never realized she needed. She tightened the embrace and sighed when she felt Tara do the same. "Bad pony," she muttered.

"It was a bad pony." She gently rubbed Willow's back. "A lot of times people like that old drunk will get a pony thinking they'll make all this money doing birthdays and things. Then they don't take care of them so the ponies aren't very friendly."

Willow pulled back slightly so she could look in to her eyes. "Like they abused the pony?" Her eyes were full of concern, in spite of the torment she experienced.

Tara nodded sadly. "Sometimes. More often than I like to think. But most horses are very gentle and I'm pretty sure they don't eat cute little redheads or pink dresses."

"There are nice horseys?" For twenty plus years, the notion never occurred to her so having it suggested now seemed strange.

Sweet Willow. You are entirely too cute. "Uh huh. Mr. Skeeters for one." She grinned down at the smaller woman. "The bigger variety too. There's a place outside of town I go to ride some times. Maybe someday you'd like to go with me?"

Oh god. Talk about your tough choices. Horse. And Tara. Big horse. And Tara. "Maybe?" While she was still not thrilled with the idea of riding a horse, Tara was offering to share something personal with her and that was something she couldn't deny. "Tara?"

"Hmmm?" Sensing the worst was over, she released Willow and took a tiny step back, immediately missing the closeness.

"Why didn't you laugh before? I the party? People laughed. And when I've tried to explain to someone new why I don't like horses and they hear the story they don't even make it to the end, but you didn't laugh."

"No. I didn't." She cocked her head to one side and gave Willow a lopsided grin. "I won't lie. There was an eensy little part of me that wanted to giggle. I think it had more to do with your storytelling than what happened. You get kinda animated when you're indignant which is..." Adorable. Endearing. "a little amusing to watch. Then I imagined little scared Willow and I didn't feel like laughing anymore."

Over the last few weeks Tara was introduced to the many faces of Willow. There was attentive Willow. Amused Willow. Animated, bubbly Willow who was emerging more and more as time went on. The face looking back at her now was unlike any she'd seen before. It held a mixture of emotions that Tara couldn't begin, or hope, to name. Still, it awakened the butterflies in her tummy and left her feeling a little lightheaded.

Tara's words were chipping away at the wall she built around her heart long ago. Willow couldn't believe how fond she was of the blonde already. She caught herself staring at Tara as she considered the emotions flooding her body. Unsure what they all meant, she grinned and gave Tara a quick hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled and gave a little wink.

Willow was feeling giddy. She was just about to speak when something over Tara's shoulder caught her eye. Along the wall, across from the bed were several sketches and paintings. For the first time since she entered the room, Willow forgot Tara's presence as she became engrossed in the artwork. One smaller piece was a simple sketch of an older woman. She assumed it was a grandmother. Willow moved further down the wall.

When she invited Willow in, Tara didn't immediately think of her artwork. Now she stood anxiously behind the redhead fearful of her response...good or bad. For now, she was frozen in place. It was too late to stop Willow's discovery and even if it wasn't, she had no idea what to say.

Willow was lost in a world of art and beauty. This safe space that Tara created made her feel warm and light, and she never wanted to leave it. Her eyes drifted to a larger painting that hung in the center of the wall. It was a beautiful lake scene with lush flowers and trees surrounding it. On the right side of the painting, a large tree emerged from the bottom edges and extended like a canopy over the water. Staring across the water, she felt the serenity as if she was there, leaning against one of the trees.

Tara always found Willow interested and attentive, but since they met she never seemed so captivated. Normally the redhead would ask a question or make a comment, but so far she was completely silent. Tara started to speak when she saw Willow approach her final drawing. Her eyes widened but it was already too late.

The works that Willow studied so far made her feel peaceful. However, when she reached the last one, new feelings emerged. She swallowed hard, attempting to stay focused. The simple silver frame held a pencil sketch of a sleeping woman. She was alone, tangled in sheets, eyes heavily lidded. From what the image inferred, this woman was naked beneath the thin fabric. In one corner, written in simple script were the words 'I'll wait for you'. Without question, the woman in the drawing was Tara, but this revelation brought on a new series of questions.

Tara's breath caught when Willow turned to face her. Normally pale skin was slightly flushed. The bright green flecks of her eyes were darker now, but still shimmering. Tara saw questions in them that she couldn't begin to understand how to answer. Are you aroused by this? The sensuality of Willow in that moment rocked Tara to her core.

"It's you," Willow whispered. Duh. Why don't you tell her something else she already knows? Tara nodded shyly. Several emotions began battling for attention. Part of her wanted to tell Tara exactly what the drawing was doing to her. Another part felt oddly jealous of someone she never even knew. In the end, she was not ready to acknowledge her own desires. "The um...the uh...the artist must have loved you very much."

Of the myriad of responses Willow could have, that one was unexpected. "I drew it," Tara admitted quietly.

"Oh!" Willow said with a bit too much enthusiasm. She turned back to examine the picture more closely.

Tara smirked. Huh. I think she just turned around to check me out. She took a step forward so her body was just behind Willow's. Leaning forward, she knew her breath would tickle the back of her ear. "It's not to me. It's from me." I can't believe I'm going to tell her this. " To the lover I haven't met yet."

In twenty-some odd years of living, that was by far the sexiest thing she ever experienced. Her body trembled slightly, though she hoped Tara didn't notice.

Tara felt Willow lean back ever so slightly, though she was busy containing her own feelings. You are losing control, Tara. She's straight and you are not the person to convince her otherwise. Still, she lingered for a few more seconds, breathing in the spicy scent that was uniquely Willow.

Willow also struggled to regain control. She was surprised to have such a strong reaction and was left feeling weak in the knees. She had neither the strength nor the voice to express her thoughts. Take me in your arms. I'd be yours if you wanted me. Maybe it was best that she couldn't...or wouldn't voice her plea. Still, her heart sunk a little when she felt Tara step away from her. The separation allowed the mood to shift away from unrequited feelings.

Continue to Impulse Chapter Six

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