Return to Impulse Chapter Seventeen


Author: ophelia11
Rating: PG-13 for pottymouths and innuendo. Strong chance for naughtiness later on.
Disclaimer: The story is mine. The characters are not. :(
Feedback: Pretty please? Please leave feedback on the Impulse thread on the Kitten Board.

And everything around her is a silver pool of light
People who surround her feel the benefit of it, it makes you calm
She holds you captivated in her palm
- 'Suddenly I See' - KT Tunstall

When the women entered the apartment, Xander was already dressed in tan slacks and a white button down shirt. He sat alone on the couch flipping through a magazine. "Hey ladies. Will is already in her room transforming herself in to a thing of beauty."

Buffy smiled and shook her head. "You're such a goof." In a lower voice, she spoke. "Has she reached freak out mode yet?"

Xander shook his head. "She is uncharacteristically calm. It's kinda freaky." He looked up and registered the new person. Stepping forward, he held out a hand. "You must be Tara. I'm Xander. Will has said many nice things about you."

Tara smiled and managed to maintain eye contact. "Thank you. Same to you."

"Can I get any of you a drink or are you going to disappear to fret over your outfits now?"

Dawn rolled her eyes. "We are going to pretty ourselves up. No peeking, mister."

He threw his hands up in surrender. "I am a gentleman, and as a gentleman, if any of you need help in or out of anything, I consider it my sacred duty to assist in such matters."

Tara chuckled under her breath as she saw the two sisters glare in disapproval. She followed them in to the office and closed the door behind.

Shortly after, Willow emerged from her own room in time to see Xander's head buried in the refrigerator. "Harris! If you mess up my food trays, I will harm you beyond recognition."

He stood up slowly. "I was just browsing. I mean I like to know what to exp..." When his eyes finally landed on Willow, he trailed off. "Wowza! And I mean that!"

Willow wore long cream slacks with a black belt and high healed black strappy sandals. Her top was sleeveless black satin that wrapped around her neck and had a thin strap that tied just above the waist. Her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She blushed and walked in to the kitchen. "It's not too much?" she asked nervously.

"No way. Just enough, if you ask me. She's gonna drool." He winked.

Willow flashed a quick grin and immediately tried for a more casual expression, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He winked again.

"Did I hear them come in a few minutes ago?" Her eyes drifted to the closed door.

"Yep. I shuffled them in. Everyone is very impressed with your cool demeanor." He reached for one of the water bottles on the counter and cracked open the cap. In two gulps he managed to drain half the bottle.

She shrugged. "I don't know why, but I haven't felt the urge to freak out."

"Maybe your attention is on other things?" Xander watched her knowingly. Before she could fixate on any details, he led her over to the couch and the two sat down. They chatted amiably while the other three got ready.

Buffy and Dawn emerged first, fighting their way to the bathroom mirror. When she finally registered Willow's presence, Buffy stopped in mid-step, causing Dawn to run in to her back. "Hey!"

"Holy crap, Wills!" Buffy eyed her with friendly appreciation.

"Whoa!" Dawn agreed. Neither woman gave voice to what was going through their minds, but couldn't wait to see Tara's reaction.

Willow leaned back casually against the arm of the couch and only shook her head at the antics. "Yeah, yeah. Credit goes to Xander, 'cause I was ready to put on jeans and a t-shirt."

Buffy smirked and stepped closer. She leaned down and spoke in a soft voice. "I think you'll be very pleased you didn't follow your gut on that one." Following Willow's confused look, she motioned toward the closed office with her eyes and then winked. "So I'm not happy with my lipstick selection. Can I take a look at yours?"

Willow's eyes were still on the door, but she did manage to nod. When Buffy didn't move, she broke her gaze and looked up. "Oh! Sorry. Um...most of my make up is under the sink in different trays. Help yourself."

"Thanks." She disappeared in the direction of the bathroom with Dawn close on her heels.

"You know you can't open the door with your mind, right?" Xander teased her. He couldn't remember the last time Willow was this worked up over someone. When she turned to face him, he saw the rising anxiety and reached out to grab her hand. "Hey. None of that. You look amazing and there's no way she's not gonna notice that. Right now, you're in the friend zone, so keep things light."

She managed to nod and with some prodding, smiled. Before she could say anything, the door clicked open and Tara emerged wearing a blue and green pearly textured skirt and a three-quarter sleeved jet blue top. It had a v-neck and she wore a simple silver pendant. Unlike the ponytail she normally wore, her hair hung down and shimmered in the lamplight. She glanced shyly toward the couch and swallowed hard when she saw Willow.

The redhead's eyes were following the slit that rose dangerously high along one of Tara's legs. She was having trouble forming sentences until Xander subtly nudged her. "You look..." Humina..."radiant." This caused Tara to smile and she took another step in to the room.

Realizing his presence was no longer required, he stood up. "Well, I'm just gonna..." He glanced between the two women and realized neither noticed or cared what he was saying. "Yeah..." He made his way to the kitchen and Willow's eyes briefly followed before returning to the vision before her.

Tara's eyes hadn't left Willow since she entered the room. "You're beautiful," she managed without tripping over her words.

Willow could tell if no one took the initiative, they would stare dumbly at one another for the remainder of the evening. She stood slowly and walked with purpose toward Tara. Her mission was momentarily thwarted when she caught the faint scent of perfume and allowed her mind a few precious seconds to imagine exploring its origin on Tara's body. Shoving the lusty thoughts away, she reached for Tara's hand and motioned to the couch.

Their fingers slid together and Tara allowed herself to be led. Her eyes lingered appreciatively along the pale curves of Willow's exposed back, unaware that Xander happened to look up at that moment and smirked. The redhead waited for her to sit and released her hand before sitting. Smiling warmly, "You know I'm going to have to follow you around the rest of the night and beat off all those college kids."

"I doubt that." Why can't I talk to her? It's still Willow. My friend. "I can't seem to think of anything to say..."

Willow leaned closer so she could whisper in her ear. "I'm having the same problem." She let out a relieved sigh when she saw Tara's grin. "At this rate, I'm going to implement a formal dress code for our future outings." She waggled her eyebrows.

Tara laughed and when she spoke, her voice was low and rich. "No complaints here. Though this is one of two nice outfits I own, so I think it'll lose its magic pretty fast."

"Oh, I doubt that..." Could I be any more obvious? Geez.

Is she flirting? What's happening here? Deciding that she should steer them to less dangerous territory, she switched topics. "With all the talking and planning, it's hard to believe the party is finally here."

Willow leaned back and relaxed in to the couch. "Tell me about it. I don't know which part I find the freakiest. Dawnie being a grown-up, me hosting this party, or the fact that I'm surprisingly unconcerned with all the strangers that will be populating this room in the near future."

"You do seem very relaxed." Tara agreed. She was grateful it was only the two of them because she continued to struggle with tearing her eyes away from Willow.

She wore an impish grin as she spoke. "I find it hard to believe I left behind all my neurosis, so I fully expect them to surface at an inopportune time later on."

Over the last months, Tara logged many hours looking at Willow's eyes. She studied the hues of green and brown and how the colors brightened or dulled depending on her mood. There was a frequent twinkle when she was happy or teasing. This day, though, there was a sparkle that Tara could not place. "There's something new with you."

Willow raised one eyebrow. "You just saw me yesterday."

Tara shrugged and shook her head once. "I don't know. Your eyes..." The gaze on her was intense and she found it distracting. "I...there's this...light? Maybe? I don't know." She shook her head with frustration, unable to come up with words to explain what she saw.

Willow barely understood what was happening to her and could only nod. "I uh...I think I'm just beginning to see again after a bout of self-inflicted blindness." Her smile was enigmatic and she watched Tara look back at her curiously. "I'm glad you're here."

Smiling, "Me too."

Buffy returned at that moment, though Willow noted her presence a few seconds too late. Light flashed for a split second and the redhead whipped her head around to find her friend grinning like a child. "Buffy!!!"

"What?" The taller blonde answered in challenge. "We only get together a few times a year and everyone looks pretty and dammit, I want pictures!"

Willow glowered. "I thought I hid that thing." Though she wasn't as angry as she let on, she wasn't ready to give up the argument.

Buffy shrugged. "Is it my fault that you hide everything in the same place no matter where you live?"

"That's not true!" Willow huffed.

Ignoring her, Buffy turned her attention to Tara. "It's true. She has this keepsake trunk that's about the size of a large shoebox and it resides on the top shelf of her closet. It has a lock, but she never bothers with it."

Tara chuckled in spite of her herself. "It really isn't nice to go through other people's things." Though she really did believe that, her voice was not scolding. She knew Willow wasn't really mad and found the entire exchange endearing to watch.

"Oh c'mon. If she didn't want me to go looking for it, she would be way more creative. Now stand up with Xander and look like we all really like each other." While she continued posing the group and snapping shots, Dawn rejoined them.

"You mean like keeping your diary in the bottom of the laundry basket?" Dawn smiled victoriously when Buffy's eyes widened and her body swiveled in one smooth motion.

"What?" Buffy nearly screeched.

Dawn shrugged and winked conspiratorially to Willow. "What? I was home on break and trying to run a full load of clothes in the washer. How was I to know that your precious diary would be at the bottom?" Her eyelashes batted together several times for good measure.

By now, Buffy was practically seething. "You didn't read it, did you?"

Xander was merely a bystander until that point and stepped in to the room grinning at the four of them. "Now Buffy. Weren't you just saying it was okay to go through other people's stuff?"

For a few seconds, Buffy directed her hostility at the dark haired man. "I said no such thing."

Tara's brow furrowed as she debated whether it was wise to get involved. Before she came to a decision, she felt Willow's fingers slide between her own and squeeze lightly. Her eyes drifted up and she saw the slightest head shake and then a faint smile crossed Willow's face. The blonde returned the look and curved her fingers so she could remain holding Willow's hand.

Before it got out of hand, Willow decided it was time to defuse the situation. "No Buffy, you didn't say that exactly, but you did go in to my stuff. However, you know far too much about me so I will not exact revenge." Turning to Dawn, "And you should know better than to model your behavior after your morally corrupt big sister."

Buffy was ready to nod her agreement when the words settled in. "Hey!"

Everyone else shared a laugh and begrudgingly allowed Buffy to arrange them for more pictures. Willow felt she spoke for the group when she asked, "Are you happy now?"

"As a matter of fact, I am Miss Smarty-pants, and when you all get copies you'll be happy I did this." She challenged any of them to disagree and gave a smug smile when she heard no argument. "Now Will. What else needs done to set up?"

Later that evening, the party was in full swing. Willow took a few minutes to hang back in the kitchen and watch the other guests mingle. It was still hard for her to believe how quickly her place transformed and she found herself enjoying the warmth and laughter now emanating between the walls.

"You gonna hang back here all night?" Dawn's voice broke the quiet of the room, and the younger woman couldn't help but smile when Willow jumped.

The redhead turned to face her and shook her head. "It is not nice to sneak up on your elders."

"I'm not sure what's up with you and Buffy lately. You go on and on about how old you are and it's just silly."

"Well it probably has something to do with a certain someone graduating from college. I remember you in pigtails, Dawnie." Willow smiled, but shook her head.

"Those are images I just assume leave back home. Anyway, it's not like you two should suddenly stop living." She glanced over the redhead's shoulder. "So how is the view from here?"

Her brow furrowed. "What view?"

"Oh please." The younger woman rolled her eyes. "Your date, perhaps? I know you aren't lingering out here for the ambiance."

"Dawnie, we both know it's not a date." Still, Willow found her cheeks getting hot simply thinking of such a thing.

"Whatever. I don't know why you make things so difficult. You like her. She likes you. What's the problem?" She eyed the older woman who shrunk slightly under the gaze.

"It's a little more complicated than that." Even Willow thought her argument sounded deflated.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Ugh. I give up on you. She's hot, she's available, and if you don't get your head out of the clouds soon someone else is going to take notice and you'll have lost your chance."

Willow's mouth opened to speak, but she found herself unable to respond. She was able to glare when she saw Dawn's victorious smirk. Her cheeks were still flushed and she stood in shock. Tara chose that moment to walk in.

"Did I miss an invitation to the main social spot here?" Tara smiled as she got closer and looked between the two with a curious gaze. Willow looked stunned and Dawn was only beginning to pull in her smug expression. "Did I interrupt something?"

Before Willow could offer up explanation, Dawn spoke up. "Nope. The social hermit here has been eyeing a treat..." She then turned to look pointedly at Willow, "And I was encouraging her to get it before someone else snatches it up."

Willow's eyes widened and she watched Dawn with a new level of disbelief. "I uh...I was only looking for water..." she mumbled lamely. Before Dawn could comment further, she turned and threw open the refrigerator door and quickly buried her heated face inside.

Tara continued to look puzzled. "You guys are kinda strange." She then turned to face Willow and was greeted by her bare back. Her eyes blinked several times attempting to refocus. "Um...Willow? Isn't there water on the counter?"

"Huh?" Her head rose and bumped against the side. "Ouch. Oh...I like really cold"

Dawn shook her head and shrugged. Tara continued to wear a perplexed look. Deciding to drop the subject, she turned her attention fully to Dawn. "So are you enjoying your party?"

Willow stood up and tried to discreetly rejoin the conversation. "It's really great." Dawn's eyes twinkled with enthusiasm. "I'm also excited to be at a party that won't end with competition keg-stands."

Buffy rounded the corner and chuckled. "With Xander in the house, I wouldn't be too sure of that."

The doorbell broke through their conversation and Willow made a hasty exit. Dawn rolled her eyes. "If Xander tries to relive his glory days of college, I'll pummel him."

Tara couldn't hide her look of surprise at the comment and Buffy soon joined in. "Xander was the ultimate party frat boy except he wasn't in a frat...and come to think of it, he didn't go to our school. He was always pulling these goofy stunts to get noticed, but they usually ended with him drinking too much and losing his clothes."

The blonde grinned and held up her hand to halt Buffy. "I uh...I think that's all I need to know about naked Xander."

Dawn's eyes drifted to the door and the latest guest arrivals. "Ooh. There's Justin. See you guys later." She made a quick exit that left Buffy and Tara alone.

Buffy couldn't help chuckling, "Are you overwhelmed yet?"

"I thought I would be, but it's not so bad. I'm glad to finally put faces with names and stories." She cocked her head to side and grinned. "You were probably wondering about me too."

She nodded. "Not in a bad way or anything. Actually, I'm really glad you came in to Willow's life. You've been really good for her."

Tara smiled, genuinely touched by Buffy's words. She started to say something but Willow re-entered at that moment. "You guys look all serious."

Buffy shook her head. "Nah...just getting to know each other."

"Well consider this intermission 'cause I'm stealing Tara." She paused, considering her words, then turned to Tara. "I didn't mean that in a whole possessive cave-man kinda way."

The taller blonde chuckled and shook her head. "Lead away. See you later, Buffy."

Buffy grinned as she watched the two leave together. "Later."

Willow looped her arm around one of Tara's and led her to a quiet corner of the room. "You know, if you keep being all charming, I'm never going to get you all to myself."

"I'm hardly charming." Her voice was low and she dipped her head shyly.

"Oh, trust me. You are. Everybody loves you." She risked a glance, "Can't say I blame them."

Their eyes remained locked and both wore slight smiles. Tara reminded herself of her surroundings and broke the gaze. "Are you having a good time?"

Willow's eyes remained glued on Tara a few seconds longer. "Eh. It's nice to have everyone together, but I've never exactly been the social butterfly. I'm kinda ready for it to all be over."

"Awww. It won't be too much longer now. Enjoy it while it lasts." She reached up and tucked a stray lock of hair behind Willow's left ear. "You make a very good hostess."

She blushed. "I think next time there's a party, I would like to be a lowly partygoer instead."

Tara grinned and nodded. "Fair enough."

"Okay, more information than you need, but I've had to pee for over an hour." As Willow spoke, the doorbell rang. "Damn."

"Go on. I'll get the door." She shooed the redhead away.

"You sure?" Willow was grateful for the offer, but didn't want to stick Tara with greeting people she didn't even know.

"Go," Tara commanded. One final push and Willow made her way across the room.

Tara walked over to the door and pulled it open. "Hello."

An attractive brunette stood just outside and smiled, suddenly unsure of herself. " this still Willow Rosenberg's place?" She spoke with a slight English accent.

"Oh, yes. She is...otherwise engaged. Please come in." Tara smiled, but watched her closely. The woman seemed familiar, but she had no idea why.

The woman stepped in to the room and held out her hand. "I'm Holly Benjamin, an old friend of Willow's."

Tara closed the door behind her and took Holly's hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Tara, a newer friend of Willow's." The two smiled. "I'm sorry to stare. You just seem so familiar."

"I get that a lot. Channel 13 news?" she offered.

"Yes! I'm sorry. I had no idea you were coming." Tara released her hand and took a step to the side.

"That's my fault. I'm not great at returning messages. I prefer to think it makes me more mysterious, but in reality I know it's rude." She winked.

Tara couldn't help but find the woman charming. "Well, it's nice you were able to make it."

"I haven't talked with Willow in a few months. Phone tag and such. Are you the new lady in her life?" The question held a friendly tone, but resulted in an awkward look from Tara.

She suspected there was more to the question, but didn't want to get in to it with a complete stranger. "We've been friends a few months, but I suppose I'm still new."

Holly had a knowing twinkle in her eye, but remained quiet. She started to ask Tara another question, but a squeal from across the room stopped her. "You came!!!" Dawn's voice was nearly an octave higher than usual.

The brunette shook her head. "Here it comes. It was good to meet you, Tara. I hope we have a chance to talk more later."

"Nice to meet you too," she nodded. Tara managed to step aside just before Dawn swept in and threw her arms around Holly. She chuckled and headed back to the kitchen. When she got there, Buffy was adding ice to a plastic cup. "Please tell me you haven't been in the kitchen the whole time."

Buffy laughed. "Nope, but every time I leave with a drink, someone manages to steal it from me, so here I am."

"Can I talk you in to making another?" Tara stepped further in to the room and leaned back against the counter.

"Absolutely. Don't you want to know what I'm making?" Buffy raised one eyebrow.

"Nope," she answered and grinned.

"Does that mean you're having a good time or a bad time?" She reached for a bottle of vodka and poured heavily in to both cups. Next, she added orange juice and then a splash of cranberry juice.

"Still good. I was never great at meeting a lot of new people so I find a drink takes the edge off." She readily accepted the cup and took a long swallow.

"Totally understandable. I see you met Holly..." Buffy gently prodded.

"Yeah. She seems...interesting and Dawn certainly was excited to see her." Tara continued to drink, ignoring the slight burn of the alcohol.

Buffy nodded. "I suppose the rest of us seem pretty lame next to a big TV personality, but Holly has always looked after Dawn so I can't complain."

"That's nice." Her smile faded briefly. "Do you think Ben will show up? When we were at lunch last week, it sounded like that would mean a lot to Dawn."

Buffy paused and chuckled. "Oh, you probably haven't learned all the lame nicknames. You just met Ben."

Tara's brow furrowed. "No...I meant Ben, Willow's ex?"

"Yep. One in the same." She picked up some stray cups and walked them over to the sink to dump them. "Although she wasn't a big time star back then. It sure did a number on Willow when they split." When she looked up, she was met with a bewildered look on Tara's face. "Are you okay?"

Tara's head was spinning as she tried to process this new information. "Wait. So Willow was with Ben and they broke up. And Holly is Ben. So Willow was with Holly?" She was suddenly thankful for the counter behind her, otherwise she might have collapsed.

Buffy's eyes widened with concern and she considered her words carefully. Watching Tara piece things together allowed her time to come to her own conclusion. " you knew about Ben all this time. You just didn't know about Ben." Tara's pained expression confirmed her suspicions. "Crap."

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