Juju's Bedtime Story

Author: Juju DeRoussie
Rating: G
Feedback: Please leave feedback on the Bedtime Stories thread on the Kitten Board.
Disclaimer: Joss / ME / etc. owns these characters. This story is just for fun and not for profit.

JuJu: A long time ago, in a time Priestesses and gods were still respected by all, lived a Goddess
Meg: I am. Have been bundled up in bed with my laptop this whole time
JuJu: her name was Keila
JuJu: Her function wasn't really clear, among the mortals she was known to make love blooms but also jealousy; among the Gods, she was known as the snack gal. Getting snacks for the poker games, the video parties and all those things Gods do in their free times.

Meg: "Gods Playing Poker" hehehe
Mel: Lol!

JuJu: As you can imagine she wasn't the most respected by her peers, but she was worshipped by a large group of mortal in the Western area of the old world.
JuJu: She always had one priestess. When one would pass away, another would be reborn and already found.
JuJu: One evening, as Keila was making tiny sandwiches for theother gods, she got a message.
JuJu: "My dearest Goddess, my adoration for you knows no limits, but alas my body does and its end is near. It is time to find my heir and teach her all things a priestess has to know, your devoted Priestess MKF," it read.

Meg: :O
JuJu: Keila was saddened by this message. She loves Miss Kitty Fantastico very much, it was one of her best priestess ever. She was able to communicate both ways, to understand many things and to spread the good words. She was also able to make people understand why, sometimes, she granted mortals her love but also her jealousy, and why sometimes she granted only oneof those.
JuJu: Anyhow, she now had to send a search party through the mortal world to find the future priestess on time.
JuJu: She finished the plate and gave it to the loud gods who were fighting about a misplaced King. She then took her travelling Toga and went down to the mortal world.
JuJu: Not for the first time in her godly life, Keila thanked her peers for the Teleportation gift. It was to be cherished as the journey downstairs wasn't pleasant for a God if it wasn't made through teleportation. Indeed, you have to know that clouds are really cold an dhumid. Not at all soft like they seem to be.
JuJu: Keila arrived at her Temple not one hour after having received the message; she let herself in without any fuss. She wasn't that kind of "Show Off Gods".
JuJu: Soon she found Miss Kitty Fantastico sitting in a cozy chair, looking tired and suddenly old.
JuJu: "Child, I received your message. I am sorry to learn that your end is near. We must find your heir. Tell me who you will send, and I'll gift them with a special sight. Send three young men, one covering the North, one covering the South, and a third covering the in between toward East. They'll live tomorrow morning"
JuJu: Miss Kitty nodded and said her thanks.
JuJu: The next day, the Goddess gave the Sight to three young and solid men, and she asked her friend Hermes for protection. The journey would be long and hard until the found the One.
JuJu: As soon as the ceremony over, the men left to their quest.
JuJu: Keila took Miss Kitty Fantastico back to her temple an asked her to rest. "no need to pray me everyday, or if you do, no need to be kneeling. After all those years you and I have a special connection. The altar is necessary only for those I don't know well yet. Please rest and save your strength; you'll need it when the next Priestess will come."

Meg: poor Miss Kitty :(
JuJu: After hugs and kisses, for those two were very close, Keila went back to her world and waited patiently for her Priestess. She would give Love here and there and Jealousy here and there. But she didn't feel like going to play among mortals.
JuJu: (see? you got your kisses )

Mel: Lol, not what I was hoping for...
JuJu: She made herself busy by inventing a new game for her friends to play, hopefully with her. She created new snacks, and she created new Togas.
JuJu: She tried to make time flew by, she wanted for the new Priestess to be there already, she needed to meet her and help Miss Kitty, she wanted to offer her favorite Priestess a special afterlife. By her side of course.
JuJu: Months went by without a word from the three men. Until one afternoon...
JuJu: "Ma'am! Ma'am!" yelled a young Satyr, trying to get Keila's attention
JuJu: She looked at him and with only her eyes, she scolded him for the way he talked to her.
JuJu: "What is it Jarvis?" She asked in a cold tone. It was already bad enough that her peers disrespected her, if the Satyrs started to do so too, then it was only a step from th emortals starting to ignore her, and by doing so: kill her.

Mel: Jarvis... lol
JuJu: "You have a message from your priestess Ma'am!" And he gave her the folded papyrus
JuJu: (hush I lack of inspiration for names and titles, always! LoL)

Mel: Lol
Mel: I like it

JuJu: "All men came back dearest Goddess, but a surprise awaits for you in my temple, please come! Your devoted MKF"
Mel: Ooo I like surprises!
JuJu: Right there and then, without a word to the Satyr or without putting on her travel toga, Keila teleported into her temple.
JuJu: "Oh Goddess you're here!" exclaimed Miss kitty, thankful for the arrival.
JuJu: "Of course my child, you ask me to come and I run here. What is it? What is the surprise?"
JuJu: "Look by yourself, the men have returned, but two of them have found a heir."

Meg: *smile*
Meg: How fortunate!

JuJu: Keila's godly eyebrow rose to meet her godly brushed hair. "Two? Are you sure?"
JuJu: The two concerned men took a step forward and kneeled. A dark haired one answered. "Dear Goddess, I am here as your servant, you granted me the gift of Sight to find your futue Priestess, and here she is, as I found her through your eyes."
JuJu: The other one continued, "The child I found was touchedby you my Goddess, there is no doubt that she is your future Priestess"
JuJu: Keila scratched her head in a not so godly way, and frowned. "Bring me them both."
JuJu: Two young girls were brought in front og the Goddess. One had fiery red hair, the other had blond hair. They seemed to be of the same age, probably 12. Upon closer inspection from Keila, both had indeed her mark in their aura. An idea occured to her.

Meg: (huzzah!)
JuJu: "Please young girls, hold each other's hand for a minute," she asked gently to the two overwhelmed girls.
JuJu: They obbeyed and their aura suddenly became one, it was bright and it had the colors of a rainbow. It was a rainbow.

Mel: Yay! Rainbows!
JuJu: "Thank you. My dear Priestess your heir is here. Both are one. A new time is coming," said solemnly Keila to Miss Kitty.
JuJu: It must have made sense to the old Priestess because a knowing smiled appeared on her beautiful hairy face, and her eyes shone with excitation.
JuJu: Both young girls saw the exchange and looked shyly at each other, then at their joined hands.
JuJu: They smiled at each other as they felt a wave of unexplicable happiness go from their toes to their head

Mel: Psht, I know I'd be smiling if I was holding hands with a good looking red head
JuJu: The Goddess saw that exchage and felt this wave. Yes those were the one. Just to be on the safe side, she asked, "What are your names?"
JuJu: "My name's Willow." "Tara".

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