Missionary Position

Random Bits is another way to say short stories. So these will be short stories and such that I want to keep in one place. Hopefully this is the first of many...
Author: JustSkipIt
Feedback: Yes, please. Please leave feedback on the Random Bits thread on the Kitten Board.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy own Willow and Tara and the Buffyverse. No copyright infringement is meant by this fic and I will not make any money from it.
Note: Yes, sometimes my very very strange mind comes up with amusing (or at least to me) scenarios and I have no place else to put them, nor do I want to expand them into a full-length work of fiction. This is one of those instances.
Note/Warning: It's a little weird. It's a little strange. And it may offend. It will probably offend. Enjoy. Or don't...
Thanks: To my web-friend in smut for your patience and encouragement and endless listening.

I guess most people are kind of surprised when they find out that I'm enrolled at the State University and more so that I'm studying Electrical Engineering. I can't say that math is my strongest subject but Daddy insisted on an Engineering major. He is paying the bills after all.

And of course Daddy is pretty much why people are surprised that I'm at school at all, living in the dormitory - a veritable den of heathens. I think that even Daddy's mind, obsessed with sinning and salvation as it is, would revolt if he knew what a college dormitory is really like. He was right about sending me here to be confronted with sin and spread the message of Jesus' love. I might have thought I'd seen some sin before but it's not anything like here.

Not at all.

See, at our church, we concern ourselves most particularly with sin and salvation. You'd be surprised just how many people can turn themselves around if they just hear the message in the right way. I don't even remember before Daddy started our church. Donnie does and he says we used to go to the big one in town when he was little, wearing a scratchy blue suit and sitting totally straight in the pew. But by the time I was wearing a ruffled dress, and sitting equally straight, Daddy and Granddaddy had started up their "Church of Salvation for all who Ask and Accept." It's a mouthful but it usually gets you in the door.

I've been knocking on doors with some assortment of my family, bringing hot casseroles to folks with a new baby or death in the family or some other tragedy or joy, welcoming new residents, and all that it entails for as long as I could walk. Our gifts always include a bible, a pamphlet about our church, an offer for prayer or guidance, and promises of friendship. And more than a few folks signed up quite willingly for what we had to offer.

I remember once, I hadn't even started my own fall toward the sin of all women and my mother and I went over to visit a woman who's father-in-law was in the hospital. The rest of the family was over at the hospital but this woman, who couldn't have been more than 25 years old, was at home, doing her cleaning and putting up peaches for winter. Well, mama lunged right in tying on an apron and offering me to cut and pit too and I sat at a little Formica table doing just that with my eyes never leaving Mrs. Swanson. She was beautiful. The most beautiful person I'd ever seen, ever. Her hair shone and a thin strand kept falling down across her forehead and she would push it back and get flour on her cheek and I felt like my world was falling in around me but in a good way. I wanted to stay there with her and tell her all about Jesus and love and all that was good in the world. After a while we finished up helping her and Mama told her we'd pray for her family and then we sat down to pray at that Formica table. I could feel Mrs. Swanson's hand so smooth in mine so I could hardly even concentrate on ridding us of our sin through prayer. When we left, she leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said what I pretty little girl I was.

Well, I've made girls and women, and their sin a special interest of mine ever since then.

And it's an interest that Daddy encourages. Now I don't mean to imply that he understands my methods particularly. Once I got into high school, I started up a group at school that met three times a week for bible study and I went into sports and cheerleading, year book, debate, every activity you could imagine to get acquainted with everyone I could meet. And pretty soon everyone knew me as the person who would listen to you about your troubles. Your boyfriend that cheated on you or hit you or wanted you to do things you didn't want. I had answers and the answer was Jesus. Your parents were getting divorced? I had answers. You didn't know what you wanted to do? I had answers. And I started to know who was who. What girls were sinners? Did they give in with their boyfriends? With boys who weren't even their boyfriend?

Those girls were my particular interest. Daddy encouraged me to befriend those girls. To invite them to have a sleep-over or come to the lock-in at the church. Oh, I remember that first girl. We didn't sleep all night. She knew ever so much about sin and her body and ... I blush just thinking about it. I can't say she came down to the revival to be baptized but she did give up running around with those boys after that. She also was a regular guest at my house for quite a few months and we both praised Jesus half-the night many times.

I don't want you to think that I was using those girls. Worse yet, I don't want you to think I was using Jesus on those girls. You know what I think I learned from church most? Everyone is looking for love and Jesus doesn't judge. And those girls, those sinners, need love more than most. And sinners are particularly drawn to me, it seems. Those girls, wanting to rebel and live out their fantasies, confronted with someone so content in the love of the Lord? They flock to me and try to make me a trophy.

So that's one of the two reasons Daddy lets me come to college here. He knows how I love to bring people to the love of Jesus Christ. And he was right about the number of sinners here. There's girls with short skirts and short tops and belly button rings. Belly button rings? I met a girl last semester with her tongue pierced. I spotted her right off as a sinner looking for what I had to offer.

Speaking of which, why am I studying Engineering? Well for the other reason Daddy sent me to school: to find a husband. Engineering is an overwhelming male-dominated area of study and work. Finding those few girls studying it has been a challenge but we have the chance to ... bond over our exclusion. Strangely, I haven't found a boy to get serious about just yet which baffles Daddy but I told him I just keep trying.

And last month I found a new stronghold of the kind of girls I'm most interested in. There's a campus Wicca group here. Wicca? Girls with more feeling for their female Goddess and other girls than Jesus himself? Now that is a place I've got to be. I spent a little while on the Internet learning the names of some Goddesses and terminology before going to the meeting. That was pretty much time wasted though because they just wanted to have a bake sale. There was one girl there, she wanted to do something different, spells she said. I only hope her "spells" are like my giving testimony and sharing love because she just blew away Mrs. Swanson and the girls from high school and Judith of the pierced tongue. I brushed by her as I was leaving and it was like electricity ran through my body. I practically ran back to my single room - Daddy was worried that a roommate would be too wild or drink or have boys over - to think about her and how I could bring her to Jesus.

And Jesus himself must be pleased with all of my hard work for him over the years because who should I see going into a Circuit Theory seminar which I took last semester but the spell girl from that meeting. So she's an EE major as well. I set up in the courtyard with a cup of coffee and my books to study and kind of waited around. I glanced up when class let out and she kind of looked around with her backpack slung over her shoulders and then left the building. Oh well, I figured, maybe it would work on Thursday. I could give it a few days. Well, not ten minutes went by and I felt this tap on my shoulder. I looked up real slowly and there she was, red hair pulled back in a ponytail, green eyes sparkling.

"Didn't I see you at the meeting the other day?"

I shoved my books to the side, over where my bible was sitting on the corner of the table. "I'm Tara. Yes, I was there." She stuck her hand out and shook mine for a long time, kind of studying me and I saw her eyes flicker over to my bible.

"They want to have a bake sale." Her eyes rolled up like she thought it was ridiculous. "Do you like sweets?" She was teasing me for sure about the bake sale and just teasing too.

I leaned back a little. "Were you going to offer me some candy because my parents always warned me about strangers with candy."

She leaned close enough to put her hand on my hip which she did when she whispered in my ear. "Oh come on. I'm not that strange and I'm very sweet."

I put my hand over hers to trap it close to me and kind of wrapped my fingers in hers. "But I don't know your name so you're a stranger." I ran my fingertip up her arm. "Now maybe if you come see my dorm room I could find out your name and how you feel, you know the important information."

She still hadn't moved her hand from where it was on my hip and my fingertips were ranging higher and higher with every pass and I felt a shudder through her body. She leaned even closer and I thought she was going to whisper her name in my ear but she kind of nuzzled my chin with her nose, then bit me lightly on the ear lobe and sat back with a teasing look on her little face. She'd climbed up on my lap so she was kind of straddling me and I was having some thoughts about taking her back to my room when she took my pen out of my hand and leaned over to write on my notes, then pointed at it with her finger as she put the pen back in my hand. "Willow Rosenberg, Sophomore Electrical Engineering major, that's my dorm room number and phone number. My roommate's name is Buffy. I'm 5'4 and I have a test tomorrow morning that I have to go study for. If that's enough information that I'm not a stranger anymore, maybe I could see you tomorrow evening?"

I still hadn't taken my hand off her arm and even though she needed to study, I didn't really want to. Rosenberg? So she was not only a Wiccan but a Jew as well? Daddy would put me through graduate school for my efforts with her. And I was pretty sure she was a sinner too. I tore a page from my notebook and wrote my name and room number on it. "You should go study. I'll be out of class after 2:30 so you can come by anytime. Maybe I can give you my testimony."

She cocked her head like she wasn't sure exactly what I meant by that. "Is that what you're calling it?" She laughed to herself and didn't wait for my answer before she kind of skipped away.

I finished studying and called Daddy, emphasizing that she was Jewish and omitting most of the tone of the conversation. I figured out long ago, about the time I figured out some other things, that Daddy doesn't need to know everything. Like he doesn't need to know exactly how I like to give these girls my testimony and he doesn't need to know that I will never meet that perfect boy. Why, he just can't believe what animals all the boys here at school can be. I go out with a boy for a few months, a good Christian too, and then he starts wanting to pull me into sin, and I have to break up with him. Daddy says he remembers how young men can be and encourages me to be strong. So I haven't found that perfect man yet but Daddy believes I'm still looking.

I stuck the piece of paper in my mirror when I got back to the room and then called her that evening. I thought I would just say hi and I hoped she did well on her test but we actually spent a good while on the phone. It turned out that I'd taken the same instructor and course last semester so before I knew it, I'd offered to meet her in the Union with my notes. It's what Jesus would have done. I hope she did well on her test because we spent as much time flirting and getting to know each other as discussing Circuit Theory.

I do think she was a little surprised that I took my favorite Bible with me to study and that I prayed over our coffee and cookies and offered to pray with her that she do well on the test. I can't tell whether she was genuinely asking Jesus for help or just indulging me. Maybe I can bring her in to accepting the love and forgiveness I know is there for her sinning ways.

I woke up to lead the Friday campus prayer circle. We had a bigger group than usual so maybe it's working. We also had more hecklers than usual so maybe it was just the nice weather. One thing I have found in my time leading prayer circles? Those girls who want to argue against the teachings of the Lord most vociferously are usually open to my special ministry. That's how I met Judith and her pierced tongue.

I was studying in my room with the window cracked open when there was a knock on my door. I finished the calculation I was on and then went to answer it and it was spell-girl herself. "How was your test?"

She kind of bounced on the balls of her feet and she was smiling the whole time. "Why don't you invite me in and I can tell you about it?"

I did and she came in and sat down on the bed. I took my seat at my desk again, no reason to rush things when I hadn't even told her about Jesus and how he died for her very sins. She did very well on the test which was apparent from even how she reviewed every question. I asked if she had a photographic memory and she admitted that she did. Well, we'd been talking about the test for a while and her stomach rumbled so she said did I want to go get some dinner and coffee, unless I didn't drink coffee. I think she was teasing me but I can't say for sure. On the other hand, we had coffee the night before so clearly she was teasing me.

We went to the Expresso Pump for sandwiches and coffee and a few friends of hers came in. The girl, Buffy is her roommate. She was wearing a short skirt like a real sinner but she wore a big cross around her neck. "I like your necklace. Are you a Christian?"

Buffy kind of squinted at me and then at Willow making me think that she's not that bright. The guy, Alexander's, eyes got really big and he sort of said all in a rush. "You're Mission...?" Buffy hit him, very hard, so he stopped speaking and actually doubled over in pain. He must be really weak because she's not that big. Well, Willow kind of apologized to me and excused herself to talk to them and they took their coffees to go.

"Sorry about that. They are really sweet and the best friends I could have but sometimes Xander doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."

I asked if they had found the Lord which Willow seemed to consider a bit before telling me that she wasn't sure. How could she not be sure? You sleep in the same room as a person for half a year or more and don't know if she's been saved? Maybe I can meet them again and tell them about how Jesus died for their sins.

Speaking of sins.

Willow and I finished our food and drinks and took another coffee to go. I said goodbye to Mrs. George as did she and we started walking back to my room. She was pretty antsy walking so maybe all this was new to her. I hoped not because she was ... besides not having known the Lord yet and given her sin over to him, she was everything I wanted. I could just hardly wait to get her back to my room. I'd given her my testimony at the coffee shop and she seemed receptive. Maybe it would take a while but she seemed like the type that would be worth it.

She was looking kind of shy and nervous when we got back to my room so I asked if she wanted to come in and she said yes, kind of all breathy. Well I no sooner got the door opened and us in and door closed behind us and then her mouth was on mine and she was pushing me up against the door. Her hands started behind my neck but quickly ran down my arms and to my bottom and she was tugging me against her so I could hardly even think.

It took all my resolve and love of Jesus to pull her hands off my body and my own from the hem of her shirt where I was pulling it out of her jeans without even thinking about it and even more than that to push her away from me. Her look of shock and hurt wasn't one I wanted to see again and I quickly grabbed her hand in mine and cupped her chin in my other hand.

"Will you pray with me, Willow?" She looked like she was going to say no and storm away and believe me, that's happened plenty of times. But maybe she could see something in me that might be worth it just like I could see so much in her. She closed her eyes and nodded and I knelt in front of her and she knelt down too. I held her hands and right there asked Jesus to take her sin away from her. To save her with his love whether she was ready for it and not. I don't think I've ever prayed so passionately or so fervently in my life but I wanted this for her so badly. Just the thought of her beautiful face, her beautiful body burning in a fire redder and hotter than her hair scared me like I've never been scared in my life.

I finished praying and said "amen" which she agreed to and "Jesus, in your name we pray" which she didn't. And she was still looking a little shocked at me but she smiled and asked was I done.

"Oh yes."

And then her hands were on me again and her lips too and her tongue was in my mouth and I didn't have to think about a thing. The thought flashed through my mind that maybe we'd be more comfortable on the bed but we were already on the floor and it wasn't that far to fall backwards and pull her on top of me. She was trying to grasp my ass again but the floor was in the way and she growled "Fuck it" and began to tug at my top, not even bothering about the buttons. Well, I wasn't having any such problem and her ass fit my palms so perfectly. I ran my hands lower on her legs and kind of pulled them apart so she was straddling me and I could press up into her center and she bit back a moan.

I hadn't even hardly noticed how she had all my buttons undone and was opening my shirt and palming my left breast and I almost screamed when she pinched the nipple so hard. Oh Sweet Lord Jesus. This was the girl of my dreams if she did it again. And again she did. I arched up into her hand and broke our kiss just long enough to look at her eyes which looked kind of animal and crazed. I bent her head to the side and bit along her neck and she screamed on one bite which would have made me shake if she weren't still pressing me to the floor. She reached back behind her under my skirt and pressed her hand right up against my panties which were soaked with my want for her and then she sat up and stared at me while she took that hand and slowly sniffed and then licked it while she took turns pinching my nipples with her other hand. For my part, I managed to get her jeans unbuttoned and unzipped and her shirt off her, and she wasn't wearing a bra. That sinner.

She leaned forward and let her small breasts brush my face before she started whispering in my ear. "Tara, do you scream Jesus' name when you come? Are you going to scream for me?" She was doing things to my breasts and nipples that practically had me screaming already and I wanted her inside me now. And I guess she did too because she stopped asking questions and slid down far enough to suck one nipple into her mouth and begin scraping it with the tip of her teeth. I could reach her nipples and began playing with them but mostly I was losing the ability to think at all beyond wanting her. I started to arch up from the floor and she pushed me back down with her body. "Stay right there, Tara. You're mine and I want to show you what that means." I could do nothing but whimper when she bit down on the other nipple. She still hadn't taken off my skirt but she did pull off my panties and toss them to the side and I could feel her twisting my hair around her fingertips.

"Yes, Willow, now."

She looked positively devilish as she teased me and I could hardly stand it. "Please. Please be inside me."

She licked her hand again and then winked. And then her fingers were in my mouth and they were wet with my juices and she was telling me that she wanted to hear me talk dirty. That she'd heard so much niceness and purity from me today and she wanted to hear what I really wanted.

"Please Willow, please be inside me."

"You'll have to do better than that." She stood up and pulled off her jeans and tossed them onto the pile of clothes in the corner. Then she was back between my legs, rubbing her cheek against me.

"Make love to me. I need you so badly." She shook her head. "Oh Jesus. I... I'm so wet, please." I reached for myself, thinking maybe I could show her just how badly I needed her but she captured my hand and pressed it to the floor.

"Oh no. None of that." She nipped at my clit with her teeth and I screamed. "Maybe another day you can touch yourself for me but right now I want you to convince me to fuck you."

I stiffened at her words. I'd never... I mean with all the women that had come before her, I'd never said such stuff even as I said now but... it felt good. I had to close my eyes and thoughts of her doing just that flashed across my mind. "Please, Willow." I was whispering.

And she started drumming her fingers on my leg like she was waiting for the timer to go off on Jeopardy. "You know what I'm waiting for, Tara. What do you want me to do? Would you like me to fuck you?"

"Yes. Please." I was practically crying from needing her so badly. I thought about trying to turn the tables on her but I knew I would get my chance.

She touched my clit with her tongue and then pulled away with a smile. "'Yes, please' is not going to do it, Tara, darling." She was teasing me now, playing with my opening and the sides of my clit but not giving me anything and I tried to move into her but she laughed as she twisted away from me. "You can do it. 'Please fuck me, Willow. Please fuck me.' Come on now, sweetie."

Every time she said that word I cringed but another part of me felt thrilled by it. I did want her to ... to do what she said. I tried to flip us over so that she would be under me but she held me down and giggled about it. "Here, I'll give you a preview." and what had to be only one finger was inside me. I moaned when she entered me and even more when she pulled out again.

"That was cruel...," I whimpered before wrapping my mouth and teeth around her nipple and biting down hard. She pressed her center into my leg and whimpered herself. She started grinding herself on my leg and I knew I could do this. I waited until she was good and distracted and then I got her attention. "Willow?"

"Oh... yes?"

"Will you pretty please with sugar on top..." (I was having trouble saying this all in one breath) "... fuck me so hard? Please Willow, fuck me." She must have not been expecting me to give in because it took her a second to get her fingers to me and then suddenly she thrust into me with what must have been three fingers. "Oh, Jesus. Yes!" I began to almost chant. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." And she did harder and harder.

And then we were both screaming and chanting and a steam of profanity like I'd never heard let alone said was pouring from my mouth like someone else was in control and she was answering with equally nasty language, telling me everything she was doing and how she was enjoying it and how I was enjoying it. She told me that I wasn't such a holy girl after all and a lot of other things and all I could think was... No. I couldn't think. I agreed with everything she said as fervently as I've ever prayed for forgiveness for my own or another woman's sins and I only hope the Lord Jesus didn't hear me quite so clearly.

Then she wrapped her lips around my clit and bit down and I came, screaming, shaking, shouting Jesus name and Fuck and Willow and every curse word I knew. "Oh yeah. Come for me. Come for me so hard." I did exactly what she said and didn't know when I would ever stop.

And much as I wanted to rest from that completely earth-shattering experience, she sat up on her knees looking all self-satisfied and leaned over me kissing me gently like she hadn't just made me come hard enough to endanger the structural integrity of the dorm and I saw my opening, no pun intended. I didn't even ask before reaching up and sliding two fingers inside her and she fell forward onto her hands screaming. "I didn't expect that..." she panted and I smiled as evilly as she had earlier.

"I know." I added a third finger and slid down so I could get to her with my mouth and then I was tasting her and nipping at her and she continued with that profanity and I wished there were a way to soundproof the room because I was going to hear about it from my neighbors tomorrow morning. She wanted to lay down and we did and then I sat up with her in my lap and her legs wrapped around my back so I could really get inside her and she tried to kiss me but it she was thrashing around with her head flung back so that she really couldn't and then she tensed and lifted her ass off my lap and held there while she clamped down on my hand for the longest time.

When she was done with the most adorably sexy series of shakes and moans and wimpers and obscene screaming too, she kissed me and slumped against me and I wrapped my arms around her back. "Can we just lie down right here?"

I slowly lowered her to the floor and lay down half on her and half on the carpet. We were both still breathing hard and trying to catch our breath and I didn't know if she would want to go again but for the moment, it was nice just resting there.

"Wow. That was. Uh. Really."

I laughed at her loss of control over English. "I'll take that as a compliment."

She pulled my head toward her and kissed me deeply before letting go. "You're amazing."

I kissed her back. "You too, sweetie."

She laughed a little. "And you're not an urban myth."

I lifted myself up on one elbow, one carpet burned elbow it turned out. "Ow. What?"

She looked at me with a smile. "Missionary Tara. I thought you were an urban myth or whatever you call college campus myths." She nuzzled at my neck with her nose and kissed me all along the jugular where I was all tender.

So that's what her friend had started to say at Expresso. "Missionary Tara. I'm Missionary Tara?"

"Can we move to the bed? I mean unless you didn't want me to stay the night. Which is ok if you don't but I kind of do and kind of hoped you did too but if you don't that's ok but can we because I'm kind of sore and this carpet is scratchy?"

I stood and pulled her up and onto the bed with me where we could get more comfortable. "Missionary Tara?"

"Oh right. You know, that there's a girl here who wants to minister to people, well, to girls, and give them, you know us, her testimony, but she's kind of this wild sexy vixen too." She looked like she was worried that I was going to be mad about it.

"How did you hear about this myth?"

She smiled, I guess glad that I hadn't already thrown her out into the hallway, "Judith told me about you at the Sedar at the Temple last week but I thought she made you up." She started kissing down my neck. "I'm so so so glad that she didn't."

The Sedar at the Temple? Oh she is going to require a lot more work.


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