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The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

Author: Crimson Vampire Goddess
Rating: PG-13/R
Disclaimer: The title and idea came from "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" Movie which is based on the book by Ann Brashares. The B.T.V.S. characters are property of Joss and ME.

It was dark by the time the four girls got to the old abandoned apartment building they usually hung out in. Turning down an ally way Buffy jumped up onto an old wooden crate and jumped up onto an old rusty fire escape using her weight to force it down so the rest of the girls could begin their ascent to the top floor. Once inside Tara went about lighting a few candles they had hidden during past visits then joined her friends in sitting in a circle on the floor placing the three or four candles in the middle.

"I feel like we should say a prayer or something." Anya said thoughtfully.

"This isn't church, Anya." Buffy said rolling her eyes.

"No but it is a sacred place, it's where our moms first met right guys? Look we're gathered here to honor a gift..." Anya said

"If it's a gift then why did we have to pay for it?" Dawn asked sarcastically.

"Dawn, stop it." Buffy said frustrated with her friend's attitude.

"Go ahead, Anya." Tara said handing her the jeans she's just pulled from her backpack.

"Tonight, on the eve of our separation, magic has come to us in a pair of pants..." Anya said as they all burst into a fit of giggles.

"And I'm proposing we share them equally and that this summer they travel along with us a sort of link to each other while we're apart." Anya finished as her giggles subsided.

"I think that tonight we are the sisterhood of these pants..."

"Sisterhood of the traveling pants?" Dawn said incredulously.

"Yes! Exactly; "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"!" Anya said excitedly.

"Well, every sisterhood has rules so we should make some." Tara said timidly.

"Okay rule number one : each sister is going to keep the pants for...a week. I should take them first cause I'm going to Texas and that's farthest away." Anya stated.

"Okay, Dawn, your turn." Buffy said.

"Oh, I don't have a rule."

"Sure you do, Dawnie, come on." Tara said nudging her friend.

"Fine, umm, no picking your nose when wearing the pants."

"That's gross." Tara said

"Yeah, that's the best you could come up with?" Buffy asked disgusted. Dawn just shrugged.

"Alright, Buffy, it's your turn."

"Oh, we should send a note with them about the most exciting thing that happened to us while wearing the pants." Buffy said

"Oh, rule number four : Any removal of the pants must be done by the wearer herself." Tara said staring pointedly at Anya and then Buffy.

"We should get together when we get back and decorate them with things that will remind us of what happened." Buffy said.

"Yes, now final rule: Pants equal love: Love your sisters and love yourself." Tara said

"It's agreed then?" Anya asked.

"Agreed." They all said in unison.

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