RE: Union

Author: wiccanbard
Rating: This part...PG...future parts...PG-13...will there be kisses and smut?...hmm...dunno...we'll see. I'll make sure I give fair warning.
Feedback: Pretty please? Please leave feedback on the Re: Union thread on the Warrior Board
Distribution: Archiving is fine...please let me know where so I can call all my friends and yell, "Look! I'm famous!"
Disclaimer: Hourglass characters, concepts and dialog belong to Alex Tydings, Claudia Christian and others. The story, however, came out of my shy little brain.
Summary: gods....Xena and Gabrielle make plans to reunite after eight years apart.

Gabrielle unlocked the door of her apartment and set down her backpack in a rush. Her pottery class had run late due to a malfunction with the kiln, and she had hurried home through rush-hour traffic with just minutes to spare. She pressed the 'on' button on her computer and then poured herself a glass of milk as the machine booted up. As she took her customary seat at the desk, she double-clicked on the Firefox icon.

The time read 5:01 p.m.

"Come on, come on," Gabrielle said as she typed in the URL of the IRC chat room. "Why are computers so slow when you have an appointment?"

The chat window opened up, and Gabrielle typed in her login and password for their usual channel, #sands_of_time.

#sands_of_time [ ]: Aphrodite/Ivanova, mmm-mmm yum
Establishing connection...
Connecting to client
Success! Joining channel #sands_of_time as Blackthorne

Blackthorne: hello?
Hacker_Chris: hey!
Blackthorne: i'm sorry i'm late - traffic
Hacker_Chris: LOL, you're hardly even two minutes late. How was pottery class?
Blackthorne: not bad, except for a little kiln problem
Hacker_Chris: what happened?
Blackthorne: the door wouldn't latch. we eventually found a vampire fang stuck in the hinge.
Hacker_Chris: a real fang? Because OMG.
Blackthorne: haha, of course not. it was that guy joxer again, making one of his crazy comic book character statues
Hacker_Chris: bet he was mad when the fang broke off.
Blackthorne: yeah, but he didn't bite anyone
Hacker_Chris: Huh?
Blackthorne: sorry, just a little vampire joke.
Hacker_Chris: So next week, huh?
Blackthorne: yep. i'm excited. nervous too.
Hacker_Chris: Ditto
Blackthorne: I can't believe that after 8 years, we're going to see each other again.

Sorry folks, that's all for now - I'm sure we don't begrudge wiccanbard for spending a little time away from the computer with her beloved amazon_bard . If you're in the mood for a story along similar lines, there's always Coming Back...

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