Return to Haunted Chapter Six


Author: Crimson Vampire Goddess
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any B.T.V.S. characters, if I did I would have had Spike and Angel go for a nice sunny walk, Faith and Buffy would have realized they had the hots for each other about a week after Faith arrived, and oh yeah, that thing about Tara dying never woulda happened.

A young beautiful brunette woman lay in bed a thick, leather bound book open in her lap. She lovingly caressed the tattered pages as she flipped to the page she wanted. Smiling she removed a white envelope with "Christina" written in neat flowing letters on it. Carefully she withdrew its contents and placed them on the bed beside her, running her hand over them gently. A small gold heart shaped locket glinted in the sun she picked it up and turned it over so she could see the small "C "carved on the front. Fastening the thin chain around her neck she admired it a moment longer before moving to the next object, a small old fashioned brass key. Picking it up, she cradled it in her palm as her finger traced the cool metal. Placing the key back down, she picked up a neatly folded letter. She unfolded the crisp white paper and began reading the words she'd read so many times since receiving the envelope.


It's been too long, love. I know we see each other every day but it's not the same. I miss being alone together; not having to pretend to be who everyone else thinks we are or should be. I remember the last time we were alone together. It was the night of the winter ball and you looked like a goddess in your blue dress. Do you remember that night, love; making love under the stars. I could have sworn I was in heaven, which isn't too far from the truth seeing as I was with my angel. I hope we get a chance to have some time to ourselves during the trip. I miss you and I love you.

Always yours.

"Why are you sitting up here by your self on such a beautiful day?" Christina looks up to see her friend Sebastian standing in the doorway. Sebastian Cole was in his early twenties with neatly trimmed black hair a stylish mustache and goatee and clear blue eyes.

"I was just reading." Christina said quickly hiding the letter and envelope in the book.

"Well, Jen and I are going to go for a swim if you would like to join us?"

"I'll be down in a minute. I just have to change." She said shifting so she was covering the key.

"Okay, we'll see you at the pool then." Sebastian said as he turned and left. Blowing out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, Christina removed the locket and opened the book to retrieve the envelope and letter. After replacing the locket, key, and letter in the envelope she jumped off the bed and ran to her suitcase and pulled out her bathing suit.

Christina rushed through the lobby on her way to the pool nearly colliding into a maid.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Chapman." The girl said before going on her way.

"Wait, Sally. I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Christina asked. Sally turned around and nodded.

"What did you have in mind, Miss?" Motioning Sally closer, Christina whispered in her ear. Nodding her understanding Sally left to do as she'd been asked.

At the pool Sebastian is swimming while Jennifer Newman lounges in a pool chair watching her childish friend splash around in the water when Christina arrives.

"Hey!" Christina said as she sat down next to Jennifer. Jennifer was a beautiful red head with dazzling green eyes. She had pulled her hair up into a ponytail exposing her neck trying to stay cool on the unusually hot day.

"Hey, Chris, where have you been? It's so hot out today I thought for sure you'd come straight to the pool." Jennifer said quietly as she rested her chin on Christina's shoulder.

"I slept in and then..." Christina started but was cut off by an abrupt splash of cold water.

"Enough talking you two; we've got the pool to ourselves so hurry up and get in here before the rest of the guests realize they want to go for a swim and crowd it!" Sebastian shouted and after splashing the girls again dove back under the water. Rolling her eyes, Jennifer moved from behind Christina and ran and dove into the cool water. After a few moments of watching Jennifer "pay back" Sebastian for his earlier antics Christina joined the two splashing friends in the water. The three friends splashed and swam in the water until a maid came to inform them that dinner would be served in twenty minutes. Sebastian watched as his two friends made their way out of the water and over to their towels. Pulling himself from the water he pondered momentarily if what he was about to do was such a good idea but the thought vanished as soon as his friends laughter reached hi ears. Looking over at them he sighed and shook his head

'Here goes nothing...or everything.' He thought as he approached the laughing girls.

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