Return to Impulse Chapter Fourteen


Author: ophelia11
Rating: PG-13 for pottymouths and innuendo. Strong chance for naughtiness later on.
Disclaimer: The story is mine. The characters are not. :(
Feedback: Pretty please? Please leave feedback on the Impulse thread on the Kitten Board.

Life is full of changes...The better you are at letting things go, the freer your hands will be to catch something new. - Joan Ackerman, Off The Map

As predicted, Tara spent much of her weekend worrying about the upcoming lunch. Work and exhaustion served as her only reprieve from the self-torture. A part of her was relieved when Willow arrived to pick her up because it signaled a near end to the panic.

Willow chatted amiably for the first few minutes of the ride. Due to other obligations, she'd only seen Tara once over the weekend and their time together was brief. Normally they could go on about the smallest details. Now, though, Tara seemed distracted and her answers were brief. "Taaaaaraaaaa..."

The blonde turned slowly and found bright green eyes watching her. "Shouldn't you have your eyes on the road?"

Without turning, Willow gestured to the left. "Red light." When Tara didn't even crack a smile, she spoke again. "So...are you gonna tell me what's bothering you?"

"Nothing. I..." She snapped her mouth shut and mentally berated herself.

"Now I know it's something." She put the car back in motion and was quiet for a few minutes. Okay she seemed fine last time we spoke. What's different about today other than meeting Dawnie? Oh. Crap. "Tara! Are you nervous about lunch? 'Cause you shouldn't be. It's just Dawnie...she's completely not scary. Unless she finds your shoe stash. Then she gets wicked." Without turning, she checked Tara from the corner of her eye and was relieved to see her lips curve slightly upward.

"I'm sorry. I'm being stupid. I don't know why this even bothers me." She shook her head.

"Tara. If you don't want to do this, I don't want to force you. I can tell Dawn something came up if you're this upset..." Willow never considered that her invitation would be bring out such a negative reaction in the blonde. Maybe I should forget about the graduation party.

"No!" Her voice was firm. "No. I just...I um...I guess I just worry. I mean what if she doesn't like me and then you realize..."

Willow couldn't stop the car, but her hand landed on Tara's knee so abruptly, it startled the blonde silent. "Don't even think that. First...Dawnie is gonna love you. Trust me on that, and second. Nothing anyone says or feels or doesn't feel or whatever...That's not going to change how I feel. Okay?"

It was rare that Willow spoke with such conviction and Tara had to admit she enjoyed this side of her. "Okay."

"Okay?" Willow wanted to be sure Tara not only heard what she said, but believed it.

"Yes. I...thank you. I don't know how you can always break me out of my head, but I'm glad you can."

"Guess I just get under your skin." She grinned.

You have no idea. "Guess so."

Willow pulled the car in to a parking spot and cut the engine. Turning toward the blonde, she squeezed Tara's knee. "You ready?"

When their eyes locked, Tara felt much of her anxiety fade away. "Let's go."

Upon entering the restaurant, Willow caught sight of fanatical waving and laughed, "And that would be Dawnie. You can hardly be intimidated by a girl that can make that big a scene in a public place."

They weaved their way through the aisles until they arrived at a table toward the back of the room. Willow made quick introductions and then the two women sat to either side of Dawn.

"It's very nice to meet you. Willow talks a lot about you." Tara smiled and congratulated herself quietly on managing to complete a sentence in spite of her lingering nervousness.

"I should say the same to you. Buffy and Xander are so jealous I get to meet you first." Noticing Tara's confused look, Dawn leaned closer to the blonde. "Besides meeting you, the only thing Willow's ever been this enthused about was when her first book was published."

The statement took her by complete surprise and she turned toward Willow for confirmation. Noticing how her cheeks were now a shade brighter, she realized Dawn was telling the truth. She watched Willow sink slightly in her chair and smiled before turning back to Dawn. "I can hardly be compared to a book deal."

"Well, I've only just met you so I'll reserve judgment for now, but I don't see anything yet that makes me disagree." She could feel Willow's icy stare and deliberately avoided looking at her.

Willow continued to shift uncomfortably and glared at Dawn. "You may be too old for grounding, but I have no problem calling Buffy and tattling."

Tara couldn't contain her laughter as she watched the two women bicker like sisters. Though she sympathized with Willow's obvious embarrassment, it put her more at ease. She knew Willow enjoyed her company, but Dawn's words made her finally accept that perhaps she meant as much to Willow as she did to her.

Dawn's intention wasn't to make Willow uncomfortable, but she also wanted this woman to realize her impact. For the moment she ignored the threat and turned to face Tara. "Hear my warning, because this is how Willow sucks you in. You start thinking 'oh Willow's so smart. Willow's so pretty. She's so cool...' Then wham!" She smacked her hands together for emphasis. "She throws in the big sister card and totally knocks you on your ass."

Tara couldn't help but snicker. Still, she felt inclined to come to Willow's defense. With a broad smile still planted on her face, she shook her head at Dawn. "I'll keep that in mind, but I don't have any sisters so I think I'm safe. Anyway..." glancing shyly over at the redhead, "she is pretty cool so I think I'll try my luck."

In only a few minutes Tara managed to charm her way in to Dawn's good graces. The sweet way she came to Willow's defense was not lost on her, nor was the beaming smile that Willow now wore. After nodding at Tara, she turned her attention to the redhead, "Joking aside, you look good Willow. I mean it."

"Um...thanks?" All of the attention made her want to crawl under the table. Judging by the calm expression on Tara's face, she realized she now carried the anxiety for both of them. Still, hearing Tara's musical laughter and the way she interacted so easily with Dawn made her own discomfort worth it.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were wearing make-up." Hearing the answering groan, her eyes widened. "You are!"

"Dawnie...please?" She knew it was a lost cause, but still prayed to anyone listening that the younger woman would be struck with acute laryngitis to prevent further humiliation.

Tara couldn't understand why wearing make-up was such a big deal. "Clearly I'm missing something."

Sticking her tongue out at Willow, "See? Tara doesn't know and it'd be rude not to include her in the conversation." Turning back to Tara, "You see...Willow and I went to dinner awhile ago...And not that I don't love her just the way she is, but she was a little ragged to say the least. When I innocently asked what was up, I was greeted with a Willow-rant about how make-up is an evil tool of a misogynistic society and that she would not conform to such blatant manipulation."

Loud, unattractive guffaws rolled from Tara to the point that tears ran freely down her cheeks. She gripped the edge of the table tightly as she attempted to regain control.

Willow glared across the table, though there was no malice in her eyes. "You are so not getting a Christmas present this year." Turning her attention to the blonde, "And you? I am still your ride home, so watch it." Beneath the table, she slid her foot across and lightly bumped Tara's, assuring her that she was only teasing. Before the mealtime mocking could continue, a young waitress approached the table to take orders.

Dawn looked at her guiltily. "We haven't really looked, but I know what I want. Are you guys ready?"

Willow looked over to Tara. "We eat here all the time and really everything is good. They have amazing sandwiches and the tomato basil soup is to die for." The blonde nodded in appreciation and glanced down at the menu.

Dawn ordered first. "I'll have the tuna melt and an iced tea."

Willow spoke next. "I'd like a water and a cup of the tomato soup." She looked over to Tara, "You interested in splitting the portobello melt? I can never finish the whole thing myself."

Tara nodded and added. "I'd also like a cup of the soup and a lemonade. Thank you."

The waitress finished writing the order and looked up. "I'll get that right in for you. My name is Leslie. If you need anything else, just let me know."

"I already like her better than the last one we had." Willow winked at Tara who nodded her agreement.

The blonde looked at Dawn. "Last time the two of us went to lunch the waiter was more concerned with checking out Willow than checking our order. It was not good."

"I hate that. It's harder and harder to get good service anymore." Turning her attention back to Willow, "So what's been keeping you busy these days? It's been awhile since we've talked."

Willow considered the question. "Well...other than attempting to steal all of Tara's free time...Not too much to be honest. I've been thinking about painting the apartment and maybe getting some new furniture."

"Wow. That's a change. What prompted this development?" Dawn was impressed. They were all surprised by how sterile Willow kept her apartment, but no one pushed the issue. For so long it seemed to take the majority of her energy just to keep her dressed and fed. She considered whether Tara could be credited with this as well.

"I know you guys have joked about it looking like a doctor's office lobby." Dawn glanced down guiltily and Willow smirked. "It does. I think I became desensitized to it until I was over at Tara's and saw how normal people decorate." She chuckled lightly. "It was warm and homey and you know...had color..."

Dawn could tell Willow was answering honestly and was surprised to see Tara blush. She looked between the two women with more interest. "You must have some place if it inspired Willow. Honestly, if she had a few old issues of 'Field and Stream' lying around I'd swear I was at the dentist."

The blonde shrugged. "It's not much. Small and cozy seem to go together so I decided if I was going to live in a sardine can it should at least be comfortable." Tara did like her apartment, but always assumed other people would find it too small or too gaudy with the bursts of color.

"Don't listen to her. It's great. She has all these plants and not the 'barely alive' kind that I used to have. They're all lush and thriving. There's also these really cool decorative curtain rods and different colored scarves." Her excitement continued to grow as she spoke. "Ooh! And there's art. I real art."

"As opposed to still having the furniture you had in college? Willow is the only adult I've ever met that still has a futon."

"Where is there a futon?" Tara glanced up at Willow.

"I take it you haven't seen the office slash storage space?"

"Oh! That reminds me." Tara faced Willow, "How did the whole office reorganizing go? Did you get things set the way you wanted?"

Willow immediately noticed the expression on Dawn's face and locked eyes with her. She silently pleaded that the woman stay quiet. Though the young woman raised an eyebrow, her mouth remained closed. The entire exchange was only a few seconds and Tara seemed oblivious to it. The redhead smiled and nodded. "It went well. I forgot the furniture weighs a ton."

"You should've waited. I would have helped." Tara scolded her lightly.

"Honestly I didn't think about it. I got kinda used to doing things by myself for a while there." She shrugged.

"Well now you have someone to do things with, so no more back-breaking moves by yourself, okay?" She was more concerned than angry.

Nodding, "Okay."

Dawn couldn't help smirking at the way Willow just got handled. Tara managed to get Willow to listen to her with very little effort. From her view, Willow even seemed pleased by the exchange. I can't wait to tell Buffy this one. She didn't want to expose any secrets, but couldn't contain her curiosity either. "What all did you do?" It seemed a safe enough question.

"Well...I moved the bookshelf down in to the corner and got all the shelves arranged. Then I pushed the desk under the window so I could look out. I left Fran against the wall."

"I'm sorry. Fran?" Tara quirked an eyebrow at Willow.

"Sure. She's been with me since college. It only seemed right that she have a name." Willow explained this as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

Dawn looked at Tara and shook her head. "Don't bother. We've suggested many times that Willow retire Fran, but she just won't hear it."

"Well, what if someone wants to stay over?" Willow looked at Dawn expectantly. "Where would they sleep?"

"I'm pretty sure you haven't had an overnight guest since the last time there was a Democrat in the White House, so you should really stop using that as an excuse. No offense to Fran, but I would sooner sleep on the floor. Or with you. Your bed's big enough."

"I don't know why Fran and I take this abuse." She shook her head in mock disappointment.

"You know I love you, Willow." Dawn gave her a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Try to schmooze me with sweet talk now." She winked at Tara before turning to Dawn and sticking out her tongue.

The waitress arrived in time to see this display and couldn't help giggling. "Looks like I came right in time." She served the women one by one. Willow and Tara were pleased she'd taken the liberty to pre-split their sandwich on to separate plates. "Is there anything else I can get any of you?" They all mumbled 'no' and 'thank you' and Leslie left them to their meal.

For a few minutes the table was quiet as each woman began eating. Dawn addressed Tara unexpectedly. "You have to come to my graduation party in a couple weeks. Willow mentioned my graduation party, right?"

Glancing across to Willow, Tara found the redhead looked like a deer caught in headlights. " She hasn't." She placed her spoon down and looked between the other two.

Before Dawn could speak again, Willow interrupted. "I wasn't deliberately not telling you except for the whole me not bringing it up thing. Which wasn't on purpose. I just didn't know if you would want to come since you wouldn't really know anyone. Not that you shouldn't come because of that. I mean you should come...I'd like you to be there, but only if you want to..." Noticing the wide eyes staring back at her, "...and I'll just be shutting up now."

"Wow, Willow. I haven't seen you that wordy in forever." To Tara, "But ignore her, because you have to come. know me so that's already two people and it's not like we're talking about a huge party. You're really cool and you'll keep Willow from completely spazzing out as hostess. So you'll come right?"

Tara was surprised the woman was so adamant about inviting her. She glanced at Willow and found her watching Tara with a hopeful expression. "If you're sure I won't be intruding?"

"Hello? You have us both begging...Willow more so with the puppy-dog eyes, but no, you are not intruding."

"Okay." The blonde nodded and resumed eating her soup.

"Yay!" Willow blurted out and then realized she'd done so out loud.

Dawn rolled her eyes and smiled. "So how is the rest of the party prep coming?"

"Buffy and I almost have it ready to go. Invitations sent, shopping lists made. Playlists being created as we speak. All you have to do is pass your finals."

"How did I end up with two over-protective sisters? As my non-blood relative, aren't you supposed to be the one to sneak me booze and curse?" Dawn huffed.

"Well, you're old enough to drink on your own and if you really want to curse, I say go for it." Willow offered enthusiastically.

"I think my point was missed, but fine." She returned her attention to her sandwich.

"I told you Xander's coming right?" The young woman nodded. "I thought so. I spoke to Oz. There's a chance he'll have a gig that weekend, but if not he said he'll be there."

"Really? That's so cool. I can't believe he might show up. I haven't seen him in forever. What color hair does he have these days? Does he even still have hair?"

Willow considered the question. "Um...I haven't seen him in awhile, so I'm not sure. Should I put in a request?"

"Nah. He can surprise me. I hope he makes it." She reached for the bag of chips that accompanied her sandwich and pulled it open with a pop. Tara shifted slightly in her chair and continued eating in silence. "So have you heard anything from Ben?"

Willow's face showed a momentary flash of discomfort and was gone. "Um...not really. All the invitations went out together. I left a message at work and a couple at home, but so far nothing."

Dawn frowned. "Well that sucks. Stupid answering services. Oh well." She tried to hide her disappointment and was half successful.

Tara, meanwhile, stopped eating and seemed a little pale. She reached for her water and took a long drink, but still said nothing.

Willow failed to notice Tara's silence as her attention remained focused on Dawn. She reached out and placed her hand over the brunette's and squeezed. "I make no promises but I'll see if there's anything else I can do." She received a grateful smile in return.

The blonde removed the napkin from her lap and placed it on the table near her plate. She scooted away from the table and stood. "I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

Dawn was the first to register Tara's abrupt departure, though she was unsure of the cause. Her eyes caught a glimpse of Tara's face as she turned and walked away. Cheeks were slightly flushed and Dawn wondered briefly if she was sick. She started to ask Willow's opinion when she caught the redhead's vacant stare. Concern was replaced with amusement the longer she watched Willow, who was very obviously watching the blonde's departure. "Earth to Willow?"

"Hmmm?" she said without turning. Finally realizing Dawn was calling her name, she shifted her line of vision. "Sorry." Willow managed to look chagrined at being caught.

"Uh huh. Do you think she was okay?"

Troubled, Willow looked back at Dawn, "What do you mean? I thought she was all right."

"No. I mean she seemed fine too, but then she got up kinda fast. I just wondered if there was something wrong."

"I don't really know. Maybe I should go check on her." Willow started to push her chair back, but a hand on her arm stopped her.

Though Dawn was the one to initially suggest a problem, she tried to dismiss it. "She probably had to pee and I'm just being dramatic. Let's give her a couple minutes." That seemed to settle Willow and she relaxed back in to her chair. "Besides...maybe all the 'ex' talk was a little much."

"Why would you say that?" Her brow furrowed with confusion.

"Willow, I was just teasing, but we have been talking about a bunch of people she doesn't know."

"Damn. Sometimes I'm a moron." Willow tossed her own napkin on the table with disgust.

"Okay, I am so not helping. Tara doesn't exactly strike me as the type to be upset by that. I'll just do a better job at neutral conversation when she comes back." Receiving a nod from Willow, she continued, "But until she gets back, you and I will have non-neutral discussions."

Groaning, "Great," she said through gritted teeth.

"Well...I just don't want to put you on the spot in front of your new friend. So Ben? If it makes you uncomfortable, I don't want you to..."

"Dawnie. You're sweet, but believe me when I say that ship sailed. So it's fine. Really." She watched the other woman, making sure the message was received.

"Fair enough. So what's up with you and Tara anyway?" She pulled out another chip from her bag.

"What do you mean?" Willow took a bite of sandwich and continued to watch Dawn.

"I don't know. You guys kinda put off a couple vibe, so I just wondered." She shrugged.

"Really? We're just friends. I mean I like her a lot, but you know...friends." She continued eating, considering the matter closed.

"And are you happy being friends?" Dawn worked hard to keep her face light and casual.

"Did you have a conference call with Buffy and Xander? I've made a new friend. Period. I am not looking for a relationship and I'm quite pleased with how things are right now." Her words became more punctuated.

"I'm curious. Are you good at writing thrillers because you are so transparent in real life?" The foundation of their relationship was the ability to be honest and direct. Both women valued having that, though at times such as this, it could be irritating. "I also don't watch my friend's butt; however, you may do things differently in your circles."

Willow's eyes grew large and she suddenly found her plate very interesting. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. You can report that back to the wardens."

"Uh huh. Whatever is going on, it's clear you aren't ready to deal with it. In all seriousness, I'm glad you found someone, whether she's a friend or a friend." Dawn finished her chips and continued, "Not that I don't like spending time with you, but we both know these lunches also serve as progress reports for both of us."

Willow appreciated the subject change and laughed warmly. "Yeah. You figured that out too?"

"Buffy's heart is in the right place, but she's not nearly as covert as she thinks. It's a good setup. You make sure I'm going to class and I make sure she doesn't need to hop a plan and force feed you a Big Mac."

"Speaking is class?" Her earlier embarrassment was easing, though she reached for her glass to cool herself further.

"Wow. I totally walked in to that one. Things are good though. It feels like everything is wrapping up and I am very ready to be done." For the first time that afternoon, Dawn appeared uncomfortable. "Willow? I don't want to pry or harp or whatever, but can I ask you something?"

Willow was surprised by the change in tone. When she looked up at Dawn, her face was sullen. "I'm assuming this has nothing to do with my dating status?"

"I don't think so. I guess I'm just wondering about your big office cleanup?" She watched Willow expectantly and returned what she hoped was a comforting smile.

Clearly relieved, "Oh that. We both know it needed done. So I finally put my butt in gear and did it."

"Did Tara prompt this big event?" There was no accusation in her voice, but guarded interest.

"Not directly. She never knew what kind of shape it was in before. It's not like I've been completely oblivious this last year. I just woke up one day and was motivated to do it, so poof it got done. Did Tara force me to do anything? No. I guess maybe her energy kind of influenced me. Does that make sense?" Willow slid her plate away and set her napkin over the remaining crumbs.

Dawn seemed to accept this answer and nodded. "Yeah, it does. She seems to have this calm about her. It's kinda neat. So last question in the interrogation."

Chuckling, "Go ahead."

"Was this whole thing with your office just a need to unpack and clean up or are you thinking about writing again?" Dawn loved Willow's books and hung on every word. As a teenager, she would follow the redhead around and listen as she made up extraordinary stories to keep them both entertained. It was no surprise to her when Willow eventually became a published author.

"When did you get so astute? To be honest, Dawnie, I have no idea. The thought of writing no longer induces an immediate panic attack and wave of nausea, which is an improvement. Once I figure it out, I promise I'll let you know."

Smiling, "That sounds good to me."

Tara came back to the table feeling slightly embarrassed by her disappearing act. "Sorry," she managed as she sat back in her chair.

Willow watched Tara return to her seat and her eyes were soft with concern. "Are you all right? If you aren't hungry..."

When Tara looked up from the table, she found both women watching her closely. "No. I just needed to use the restroom and then I had an eyelash issue? I'm sorry if I worried you."

Relief washed over Willow and her smile overcompensated. "As long as you're okay. Search parties were mounted and ready for release. Wow, that was a little too 'Walker Texas Ranger' for my liking." She frowned and turned to Dawn. "Seriously. This is me? Why do you guys even talk to me?"

Dawn giggled and rolled her eyes. "'Cause it's fun and Willow-y and part of living a full and entertaining life." Glancing at Tara, "Am I right?"

And just like that, any awkwardness Tara felt upon her return was diffused. In its place was the warm silliness that was in fact Willow. Smiling shyly, she nodded in agreement. "Essential."

Blue eyes melded with green for a split second and Willow felt something ripple through her. Whoa. That's new. Glancing down to Tara's full plate, "You have some catch-up to do before any desserts will be doled out."

Tara looked back with defiance. "Are you threatening to withhold sweets?"

Dawn scooted back from the table and her eyes bounced from one woman to the other like a tennis match. She knew from experience that Willow was ruthless when it came to dinner before dessert, yet Tara seemed to be entering the battle blindly. "Uh...Tara? Willow once made me sit for two hours over a stem of broccoli." With her head, she gestured toward Willow. "Meet the unstoppable force that is Willow."

Undeterred, Tara raised a rebellious eyebrow and stared back at Willow. Holding out her hand, she was pleased when Willow's closed around it without question. "Immovable object. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

Dawn burst out laughing and Willow swatted her hand away in mock outrage. Leaning closer to Tara, she spoke in low tones. "You are undermining my authority in front of the child." She used her eyes to motion in the direction of Dawn.

Enjoying this little game, Tara wasn't about to give up her position. "Just to make sure I'm clear on what's going on here. You are adamant the meal be finished before a sweet treat can be consumed. Correct?" As expected, Willow nodded, assuming Tara was being swayed to her side. "However, are you not also the person that consumed two chocolate cupcakes for breakfast last week?"

"No way!" Dawn shrieked. "You, you, you...hypocrite! I cannot believe I've choked down broccoli for the last eight years and all the while, you were cheating!" She huffed and crossed her arms.

Willow's eyes were wide and she stared at Tara in disbelief. Through a very feigned smile, she spoke in hushed tones. "I cannot believe you just ratted me out." Turning to Dawn, "Dawnie..."

However, Dawn wouldn't accept some weak explanation. "Don't bother. I hereby refuse any further pressures to conform to the food pyramid and officially banish broccoli from my dietary supplements." Her nose crinkled, "Unless it's on a potato and covered in cheese."

Whipping her head back to Tara, "Are you happy now?"

Tara batted her eyes innocently. "I was merely pointing out a flaw in your otherwise brilliant argument." Her smile was slick and she saw the redhead waver slightly. With a quick wink, she then faced Dawn. "While Willow might have been a bit fanatical in her approach, you really should eat your vegetables. I'm sure they were a contributing factor to your height and figure and should not be discounted. Boys like a girl with a nice smile and beautiful hair."

Even as she realized she'd been had, Dawn found herself agreeing with Tara. "Fine...but I'm still not surrendering the cheese."

"Fair enough." Her attention returned to Willow who wore an expression of disbelief.

"How did you just do that?" She was still blinking, stunned.

Tara shrugged. "Dawn's a grown woman and she knows she should eat her vegetables. I simply presented an argument that appealed to her needs and wants. Now everyone is happy."

Still, flabbergasted, Willow could merely shake her head. "Amazing."

Dawn felt slightly like a guinea pig, but couldn't help being entertained by the exchange between Willow and Tara. She felt her own presence more unnecessary as they became more focused on each other. It was veering dangerously close to flirting, though she doubted seriously that either woman was aware of it. "This doesn't excuse the cupcake breakfast."

Willow frowned. "See I don't get the big deal. Pancakes are a widely acceptable breakfast food and they are essentially doughy sponges to absorb gallons of syrup. Chocolate is not nearly as sweet and people put it in coffee, so it seems like the chocolate cupcake gets a bum rap as a breakfast food."

Tara nodded her head. "Clearly you've thought about this," she said in a mocking tone.

"I admit it's no fruit cup, but sometimes you just gotta let your hair down. I'm not going to campaign for cupcakes to replace yogurt, but once in awhile I think you need a change."

"In that case, I think it's time for dessert." With twinkling eyes, Tara pushed away her plate.

"Here, here." Dawn cheered.

"Fine." Willow hadn't expected the two women to hit it off so quickly and was thrown for a loop when they teamed up and won an argument against her.

Beneath the table, Tara slowly scooted her foot closer to Willow's and nudged it. "Share?" Her crooked grin was back and she was relieved to have it returned.

The redhead was powerless against that particular smile and nodded quickly. "Absolutely."

Feeling decidedly like a third wheel, Dawn chimed in. "Hope y'all know that deal is between you. I'm keeping mine to myself." In reality, she knew they couldn't have cared less, but felt the need to throw a little cold water on the smoldering embers. Whatever they were figuring out could be done away from here and away from her. Though as a teen, she held a small crush on Willow, she decided this was not a side of her friend that she needed to witness.

The words seemed to break up whatever was building between the two and they both turned to face Dawn. Tara leaned back, but kept her foot pressed against Willow's. "So what's good here?"

"I don't think there's such a thing as a bad dessert. I'm a big fan of the brownie sundae."

Willow spoke up. "Dawn's right. Everything is good, but that sundae will hop you up for days."

"Ooh. Do they have apple pie?" Tara's excitement was childlike and the other two couldn't help but laugh.

Willow looked genuinely perplexed. " item without chocolate. I am unfamiliar with this strange item you describe. Dawn?"

Dawn shrugged. "I don't know what she's talking about."

Tara glared at Willow. "Fine, but I'm entering you in to a chocolate detox program after this."

In her life, Willow had a variety of different relationships. She knew all about the balance of give and take. Never before had she felt so inclined to please another person as she did with Tara. "Does this apple pie come with a scoop of chocolate ice cream perhaps?"

Feeling playful, Tara answered, "Perhaps."

"Well then. Bring on the pie," Willow answered with a firm nod of the head.

As if on queue, the waitress returned and dessert orders were placed. She moved quickly around the table to remove dishes and left the women to their conversation.

Dawn addressed Tara, "Willow mentioned that you volunteer at some kind of after school program. What kind of things do you do there?"

The question caught Tara off guard and she had to think about the answer. " really. A lot of the volunteers help with homework. They have a TV with movies and games. There's even a stage in the basement, but so far no productions. The boys like launching themselves off of it to see how far they can jump." Huh. Willow talks about me. Interesting.

Dawn, however, rolled her eyes and shook her head, before tsking. "I didn't ask about the center, silly. I asked about you. What do you do at the center?"

"Sorry. As you probably noticed, I don't do well talking about myself." She glanced over shyly.

Before Willow could react, Dawn reached out and squeezed Tara's arm. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Willow was just bragging about it on the phone and I was curious. If you'd rather talk about something else, that's cool."

Bragging? I just can't get a read on you Willow Rosenberg. "No. It's fine." Smirking, "Usually when people ask me those kinds of questions, they want the shortest, simplest answer."

"Well we aren't most people," Willow said, still smiling.

Eyeing the woman with amusement, Tara answered. "So I'm beginning to realize." She paused briefly, "I help with homework when I can. Except math...I like to pass that to someone else. Still gives me the heebie-jeebies after all these years." She shuddered for emphasis. "I'm usually there a few days a month. Since my work schedule changes, I can never commit to a particular time or day."

"It's still really cool that you do that. I bet the kids really like you." Dawn looked at her sincerely.

Leslie returned with their desserts and Dawn's was barely on the table before she was moving on it like prey. Unlike the sandwich, the pie was centered on one plate and she handed out two forks. "Anything else?"

Willow shook her head. "I think that's all. Whenever you get a chance, could you bring the check? It can all go on one slip. Thanks!" The woman nodded and left their table. Willow felt the protests coming before anyone spoke. "Before either of you start, it's my treat. It's not often I get to eat with two of my favorite people, so there. You can pay me back with adoration." She then waggled her eyebrows and picked up her fork. "Now let me at this pie."

Tara could only shake her head at the eager redhead. In spite of her earlier reservations, the lunch was quite enjoyable. It was already clear in her mind what Willow meant to her, but she was only beginning to realize her importance in the redhead's life as well. Even though she'd never have the relationship with Willow that she imagined, she was content feeling needed and appreciated.

Dawn was lost in a landscape of chocolate and vanilla. After a few bites, Willow realized that Tara made no move to eat. "You okay? 'Cause in these parts, dessert waits for no one." She scooped a hefty bite on to her spoon and waved it in front of Tara, taunting. With lightning speed, her wrist was caught and halted and she watched helplessly as the gooey bite disappeared in to Tara's mouth.

"Thanks." Tara said, a wide grin on her face.

That was...that was. Wow. Willow's mind played out several scenarios, though she ultimately decided that if she were to feed Tara ice cream, it would not be in the middle of a noisy restaurant and it most certainly would not be in front of Dawn. Still she watched Tara with a new interest as blue eyes twinkled with pride.

"You okay, Will? 'Cause I hear dessert waits for no one." Tara moved her spoon to break off another bite and soon found Willow's knocking it away. The redhead smoothly captured the piece and resumed eating.

On the other side of the table, Dawn was not nearly as oblivious as she let on. My god, if they were any more obvious, they'd throw away the plate and just eat off each other. Though slightly awkward, the scene made her feel good. It was a very long time since she'd seen Willow so content. She also never saw anyone quite so smitten with the redhead and she hoped somehow the two would find their way to each other. Deciding the only safe view was the one on her plate, she kept her eyes focused on the chocolate artwork for the remainder of the meal.

Continue to Impulse Chapter Sixteen

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